Inquisitorial Squad

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I woke up early the next morning, feeling a sense of dread that I couldn't quite place. I got up and decided to sit in the common room to calm my mind. I went downstairs to see filch nailing another 'Educational Decree' to the wall. 

After he left, I went to go read it. As Newt had accurately predicted, it did not allow any students to form groups outside of school. And as Newt had also said, she was building an Inquisitorial Squad. 

How he knew all this, I didn't know. And I didn't want to ask. He seemed mysterious. He had a dark past, something I felt no one knew. He was clearly close to Dumbledore to know a lot of the information. I think he was sent to Hogwarts not to learn as a student, but learn information. 

I was snapped from my thoughts as I heard the floorboard creak behind me. I looked back to see Tewkesbury coming down the stairs. He noticed me then immediately turned around to go back up. 

"Tewkesbury wait." I called out to him. He paused, but didn't say anything. I walked up to him. Where do I even begin?

"I-I'm so incredibly sorry. were right. I led you on was very wrong of me." He turned around, but still didn't meet my eye.

"I'm not mad that you're with Edmund...okay maybe a little," He gave a little smile and I took that as a breakthrough, "But I'm more mad that you didn't make it clearer earlier. If you knew you wanted Edmund from the start, you could've given me any sign, and I would've understood."

"You're right...but to be honest with you, I can't choose-I mean I couldn't choose-"

"-Wait a still don't know! Gosh you're unbelievable."

"I-I...ugh...yeah! I can't choose. Yes, I'm with Edmund and I really do love him-"

"-pshh love, you've been with him for a week-"

"-But I've known him for years now. Back to my point, I feel like every time I come closer to one of you, I-I start missing the other. Do you know how hard it's been without having you with me this past week?" I took a deep breath. He sighed.

"You need to pull yourself together, Y/N. Forget about us, but if I had a girlfriend, I'd want her to be loyal to me-"

"-I'm very loyal to Edmund, I'd never cheat on him-"

"-You wouldn't, but your heart already is-"

"No, no, don't change my mind, I like Edmund." I said finally. "But I don't want that to come between our friendship. I still want to be friends with you Tewks."

"I-Yeah, we can be friends. That's fine," He started to go back upstairs, but then hesitated. "But you're lying to yourself, you need to sort things out." He stood there awkwardly. "But um, it's-uh...I'm glad to have you back in my life, Y/N." He said, then disappeared behind his door. 

I sighed. I wanted to go see Edmund, maybe he'd help me clear my mind. I went upstairs and changed into something comfortable and warm, since there was still snow on the ground outside. I went out of the common room to go find Edmund. I was walking through the halls when I saw him walking along with a group of Slytherins. 

"Edmund! I've been meaning to talk to you-"

"Miss Y/L/N, have you come to try out for the Inquisitorial Squad?" A squeaky voice said behind them. I looked to see Umbridge standing there. 

"Uh-Um no ma'am." I stepped back. 

"Then please be along your way." She said, continuing forward.

"Hey, I'll see you in 10 minutes or so, wait for me in the courtyard." Edmund smiled, jogging to catch up with everyone else. I went to the courtyard, sitting down on the bench. I shivered because of the cold. Was Edmund really going to join the Squad? I saw Draco, Crabbe, and Goyle as part of the group...he wouldn't want to associate himself with them...would he?

Maybe he just went to see what it was about. Then after realizing how Umbridge would ask him to torture little kids, he'd refuse. Then I could tell him all about Dumbledore's Army and we could learn spells together and it'll be perfect. 

I heard snow crunching and looked up to see Edmund striding up to me. I stood up from the bench and he immediately picked me up and spun me around. I squealed with laughter and he purposefully dropped me in the snow, falling himself. 

We lay in the snow, catching our breath. I turned my head to look over at him and he did the same. He leaned forward, planting a soft kiss to my forehead. 

"I've missed you." He whispered. I sat up.

"I have too, Ed." I stood up and brushed myself off. Edmund still lay in the snow, putting his hands behind his head. "Ed...I have to ask you something..."

"Go for it." He said, scanning the sky. 

"The Inquisitorial Squad...did you-"

"Oh! I forgot to tell you the great news!" He exclaimed, standing up. Brushing himself off, he pointed to a small pin on his robes.

"I am part of the Inquisitorial Squad! I didn't even ask to join! I was chosen. My father..." His bright smile melted as he looked at my face. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"Ed...why...ugh.....WHY did you join her group! Do you know what she does?" I furiously folded up my sleeve to show him my scar. "THIS! Not only to me, but little first years. We're children! She tortures us! And you want to help her do it."

"She didn't say that. She said we'd help maintain order in the school...that we would make the Ministry proud." Edmund said quietly.

"Those are lies, Ed! She's using you!" I told him. He stepped back, running a hand through his hair.

"Look Y/N, I-I believe you but I can't back out now. My father he...he specifically wrote a letter to the Ministry. I have a lot riding on my shoulders, I-I can't refuse this opportunity." Edmund stuttered.

" it for me." I pleaded.

"Y/N... not everyone has a rich family like you. Most people have to work to earn a fraction of what your family does. I don't have that kind of financial support. This...this will look really good on my application if I ever want to get a job at the Ministry in the future. So...I- I promise I won't torture any kids, but I have to do something to contribute. I'll probably tell her about all the secret clubs. Like I'm sure Fred and George are part of something-"

"-And what about me? What if I was in a secret group, would you rat me out too?" I said, stepping back from him.

"I-I...I wouldn't-" He hesitated.

"You're hesitating. No. Edmund, you're answer should've been straight up no." I said. I walked away from him.

"Y/N listen please I-"

"I don't want to hear it right now Ed." I called back, rushing back to my dorm. On the way there I bumped into Hermione. She asked me what was wrong but I ignored her and continued storming my way up and slamming the door. 

When she came up, I was already in tears. She walked slowly towards me. "It's about them...isn't it?" She asked. She already knew.

"I-I don't know what to do Hermione...I-I can't choose. They both have their faults, b-but getting closer to one and leaving the other...I don't want to hurt any of them." I told her. 

"You know Y/N, If you love two people at the same time, choose the second one. Because if you really loved the first one, you wouldn't have fallen for the second one." She quietly said, then left the room. I sat there thinking.

The real question was...who did I fall for first?

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