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I have one more final today, but I secretly wrote this part yesterday so haha enjoy:)

There's gonna be a lot of plot twists up ahead so this chapter is probably the last "low-key" one of for this book

It all felt unreal, the time that I had spent with Edmund. At first thought it had been a nightmare. Surely Edmund and I were still together...right? But as I walked into the Great Hall and looked over at him, he didn't look back.

I slopped onto my seat. Hermione could instantly tell that something was wrong. I cleared my throat. I wanted my friends to hear this from me rather than hear from rumors which I'm sure were spreading like wildfire.

"Edmund and I are over." I said. Tewkesbury was the first to look up from his food. Tears threatened to spill but I gulped and pushed them back.

"Oh Y/N, you were too good for him anyways." Hermione said rubbing my back.

"Look the best way you can get back at him is to be happy. Imagine how jealous he'd be to see you laughing your head off after your breakup-" Ron started.

"Ron! That's insensitive!" Hermione chastised.

"No, Hermione, he's right. I think I forced myself to be with him, I don't think we truly belonged. I'm not going to let it affect me. Besides, don't we have O.W.L.s this week? That's sure to keep me busy." I smiled.

"You're taking this really well, Y/N." Hermione smiled and returned to her food. But I knew damn well I'd be crying my eyes out tonight. But I just had to bottle everything up for now and get through today.

Fred and George looked at me across the table. "Don't worry Y/N." Fred reassured.

"We've got just the thing planned for you today." George smirked.

I smiled at them and returned to my food. I could almost feel someone staring at me. I instantly looked over at the Slytherin table. But just as fast, Edmund snapped his gaze somewhere else. Maybe....maybe there was still time to fix this.

I would...I would talk to him. Some day. Somehow. Gryffindor was known for bravery, right? Surely, I'd have the courage to go up and talk to him? Yes, I would. First thing this weekend.

But for now, I had to focus on my O.W.L.S.

---Time Skip to the day of the O.W.L.S---

After lunch, I went to brush up on everything, then headed back to the Great Hall. The four long tables were replaced by small ones for every student.

At the front, Umbridge set up a sort of throne for herself. "Where's Dumbledore?" I murmured to Newt.

"I for once, do not know." Newt said, finding his seat. I too found my seat and looked around. Two certain redheads were missing from action. I ignored that thought as I looked down at my paper. Here we go...I muttered to myself as I started the test.

The clock ticked quite distractingly in front of me. But I tried to concentrate. That is, until I heard a soft whizzing sound. As it got louder, I wasn't the only one starting to notice. Umbridge got up from her seat and walked forward, looking at the door.

That's when the doors burst open. Umbridge fell back. The twins, both riding on their brooms, threw fireworks around the rooms. All the papers from the desks flew apart. The room was showered in different lights.

Suddenly a large dragon firework swopped in. It chased after Umbridge which was an amazing sight to see. Everyone was now up from their seats to participate in the chaos. We followed the fireworks outside to the courtyard.

We all looked at the beautiful lights. Everyone was smiling, laughing having a good time. I don't know how Fred and George were ever going to get away with this. But that's when they waved goodbye and flew off.

No one knew where exactly where they were going, but I did. I was looking forward to the Weasleys' Wizard Wheezes.

Everything was fine until Harry dropped beside me. "Harry. Harry!" I shook his shoulder. He didn't respond. Newt was beside me in a flash.

"We need to get him to the Hospital Wing." He instructed. I nodded. We both helped him up to his feet. Hermione, Ron, and Tewkesbury also came to help us. We dragged him to the Wing and laid him back on one of the beds. We all sat around him, waiting for him to wake up. I sat on the bed beside him, twiddling with his fingers.

"Um, guys, I want to you to know something...I can't really keep this in any longer but..." I looked around to make sure no one was nearby, "Harry and I are siblings." Hermione gasped and Ron's eyes widened. Tewkesbury already knew and Newt didn't have much of reaction. Knowing him, he probably knew too.

"Can I speak with you alone, Y/N?" Newt asked. I followed him to an empty window. He looked out as he talked

"Y/N, how much did you guys learn in Occlumency?" Newt asked. I didn't really want to think back to that time, but I did.

"Well, I managed to block Edmund up to an extent, but Harry had a little more difficulty. you think Tom's visions got something to do with this?" I asked. Newt nodded slowly.

"Okay, I want to try something. I want you to practice Occlumency with Tewkesbury, if you see any of his visions, don't tell anyone but me, okay?" Newt said gravely. I nodded and we rejoined the group.

"What were you guys talking about." Tewkesbury asked casually.

"Oh nothing, Newt was just being an overprotective friend and giving me the "I-told-you-so" talk about Edmund." I lied easily. Harry stirred on the bed and we were immediately by his side.

"Harry what-"

"It's Voldemort...he-he wants something. I've seen the room before, it's at the Ministry. And he wants something from there." Harry said rapidly.

"Whoa slow down." Newt put out his hand.

"It-it was where Ron's dad was attacked. The Department of-uh...ugh I can't exactly remem-"

"The Department of Mysteries..." I said, remembering the name from the conversations held at the Order.

"Yeah, he was looking for something there. But he said he needed someone, because he couldn't get it himself...

I think he was talking about us." He said gravely, looking at me.

Flowers and Swords (Edmund X Reader X Tewkesbury)Where stories live. Discover now