New Students

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I woke up with the sun filtering through the window and the birds twittering outside. Hermione was already bustling around the common room. "Y/N! You're going to be late!" She scolded me. I took the pillow and put it over my bed. She took the pillow off and hit me lightly on the head with it. " 'Mioneee." I whined, finally giving in and sitting up in bed.

She threw my robes on the bed. "Go shower. I'll find your clothes." I got up and smiled at her. "How did I ever find a friend like you." I told her. She smiled and rolled her eyes. "I ask myself the same question." She teased.

I took a quick shower and combed my hair. I wore mascara and lip gloss, other than that I didn't really wear makeup. I changed and rushed down into the common room. "Blimey Y/N, we're late waiting for you." Ron exclaimed. "Sorry!" I exclaimed running down the stairs. I was about to walk out the door when I realized I forgot my book bag. "Shoot! You know what, you guys go ahead, I forgot something." They went off and I rushed upstairs to grab my bag.

I grabbed it and practically ran out the door. I turned the corner and didn't see where I was going, instantly bumping into someone. I fell back. I looked up to see a boy look down at me. I hadn't seen him before, and this was our 3rd year of Hogwarts. He wasn't even wearing any robes. He had soft brown hair, that was combed to the side. He had a chiseled face and gave a sideways smile as he extended a hand to help me up.

I took it and stood up to meet his golden brown eyes. "I apologize Miss, but do you mind telling me where Dumbledore's office is, i'm in somewhat of a hurry." He asked. I gulped. "Um...second hallway to the right." I pointed. He smiled once more and walked away.

It took me a moment to recollect myself as I continued walking to the Great Hall.

"Hey you!" I heard a voice call. I turned to see another boy that I hadn't seen before. He was much different than the first. This one had sharp black hair. His eyes were darker and he had more of a smirk than a smile as he walked up to me. He looked me up and down. "Where's Dumbledore's office?" He asked. I pointed to the Gargoyle entrance. He winked and turned on his heel.

I shook my head. How had I never seen these people here before?

I walked into the Great Hall and sat beside Harry. Dumbledore wasn't here, though he usually should be for the first breakfast of the year. "I saw these two people today that I had never seen before." I told them. Ron shrugged. "First years?" I shook my head. "No they were both our age." "Hogwarts doesn't get new students." Ron answered. "Yeah I know but-" Just then I heard Dumbledore's voice.

He walked into the hall with the two boys that I had seen before trailing behind him. "That's them." I whispered. Dumbledore took his seat as the two boys stood in front of the school. "I would like to announce two new students joining Hogwarts to start Year 3." Dumbledore said.

McGonagall brought the sorting hat. "Edmund Pevensie please sit here." McGonagall said. The boy with black hair sat down on the chair. The hat was placed on his head. "Hmmm...SLYTHERIN!" The hat said. Cheers erupted from the Slytherin table. As Edmund walked over and sat down, my eyes met his and he gave a small wink. "Why did he wink at you?" Hermione asked. "I don't know." I answered, looking back to the other boy. "Viscount Tewkesbury." McGonagall said. The hat was placed upon his head. The Sorting Hat took longer. "Hmm interesting...very interesting...GRYFFINDOR!" People clapped as he walked up to our table.

He came to sit right in front of me, next to Hermione, who started to blush. He looked at me. "So we meet again...I never caught your name." "Y/N Y/L/N." I told him. "Y/N..." He said, as if testing out the name on his tongue. "Nice to meet you." He smiled. He then took a plate and started engaging in other conversations. I continued to eat my food.

This was going to be an interesting year.

This is Book 1 and there are two sequels (which you can find on my page) so you can choose whether to end up with Tewkesbury or with Edmund. "Flowers" is the sequel book for Tewkesbury and "Swords" is the sequel book for Edmund.

Also for reference...

This is Tewkesbury

And this is Edmund

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And this is Edmund

And this is Edmund

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Flowers and Swords (Edmund X Reader X Tewkesbury)Where stories live. Discover now