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As I watched Edmund be taken away on a stretcher, I looked back to the leaderboard, certain that he had been disqualified. Instead, I watched as he took last place. Me, along with the other Champions, were escorted back to the tent.

It turned out that because Edmund had technically gotten the egg, he had passed the task. We got a small debrief about the second task. All they told us was that it would take place next year, after the holidays and that the egg was somehow involved. It contained a clue. After that we were all free to go.

With the huge relief off my shoulders, I was about to leave when Rita Skeeter appeared. "Ludo you promised I could interview them." She said. Ludo looked between us and hesitated.

"Yes, yes, okay that's fine." He said leaving us behind. I sighed as she took us into a separate room. We all stood waiting for her to start asking questions.

"I prefer interviews in a more 'one-on-one' setting so...I'll start with you." She sneered, pointing a bright red nail at me.

"Yeah okay, let's just get this over with." I said following her to a... broom closet. "For being a writer for the Daily Prophet, this is a pathetic place to hold an interview." I said. She just put up a fake smile and pulled out a notepad and a green quill, both which levitated beside her.

"Right so...tell me about your family and what you like to do together." She asked, crossing her legs.

"Well, I'm an only child and I live down in our family manor. We like to visit the world whenever we're on vacation, especially the islands of..." I watched as the quill started scribbling. Y/N Y/L/N being an only child is spoiled by her wealthy parents by taking exquisite trips to exotic places around the world. I looked at her, confused. "I never said tha-" But she interrupted me.

"Don't look at the quill, now what are your thoughts on Tewkesbury?" She asked.

Surprised at the certain shift in topic I stuttered a bit. "W-well, he's a good friend. He's in the same house as I am, and I've been friends with him ever since he joined Hogwarts." Y/N blushes, tripping over her words as she thinks of Tewkesbury. "Hey-" I started.

"And what about Edmund?" She continued.

"Um..." I looked to the side to frame my sentence well so she couldn't call me out on my stuttering. "Edmund was annoying at first, but over the year I think we have both matured into close friends." I looked down to the notepad in satisfaction. Y/N gets lost in her thoughts as she describes her enemies to lovers story arc with fellow competitor, Edmund.

I stood up. "You are spreading fake information and twisting my words!" I exclaimed.

"Oh hun, I'm only adding some flavor to your otherwise bland stories." She said.

"Bland but true. This is ridiculous!" I stated, turning away and leaving the closet. I huffed out and strode away. Tewkesbury hooked my arm.

"Hey hey, what happened? Are you good?" He asked at my angry state. His warm touch calmed me down a bit. Just a bit.

"I'm fine, careful with what you say to her." I said, referring to Rita, then pulling my arm from his grasp and walking away. At first, I didn't know where to go, but then I decided to go visit Edmund in the Hospital Wing. As I entered the Hospital Wing, I passed by Professor Moody who was walking out. Curious.

Edmund was laying on one of the beds while Madam Pomfrey was tending to him. "Ah Y/N! I'm so glad you're here. Can you help him while I tend to another student? Tie his arm up using this and wipe up that cut on his forehead, thank you so much." She said, walking away. Ever since I helped her with the Mandrake roots in second year, she asked for my help now and then in the Hospital Wing. I nodded taking the bandage from her and starting to tie Edmund's arm up.

"Did I get disqualified?" He asked. I shook my head.

"No, you technically got the egg, but you're in last place." I replied. He winced as I tightened the bandage. "Sorry..." I muttered. There was a pause.

"You gotta admit, I looked pretty cool fighting a dragon with my sword." His ability to smirk was not limited due to his injuries. I brought over a warm cloth to his forehead, leaning close to him. As I wiped his cut, I could feel him staring at me.

"There is a fine line between bravery and stupidity. You tend to walk that line quite often." I told him. He chuckled.

"And where's the fun if you don't?" He said. My eyes flitted to him as I leaned back.

"You could've died!" I exclaimed, plopping the cloth in the bowl of water, making it slightly splattered.

"A Gryffindor caring for the safety of a Slytherin, you're making history at this school, Y/N." He teased.

"It's not a joke, Ed. I'm serious. People have died in these games. It's not something to be taken lightly." I said. He looked down with a certain look on his face. Was that...guilt?

"Y/N... I have to tell you something about the third task, it's-" He started to say but then got interrupted by someone barging through the door.

"Hello! My name is Rita Skeeter and I'm here to interview Mr. Pevensie."

"He is injured-" Madam Pomfrey tried protesting but Rita ignored her.

"Be careful what you say to her and keep an eye on her notepad." I whispered, before leaving Edmund's side, making sure to throw a dirty glance at Rita.

As the day started to end, the effects of my fight with the dragon started overtaking me. My body ached, my cuts and bruises burned a little. I walked through the halls, making my way to the common room, all I needed was sleep. I saw as Tewkesbury walked towards me.

"Y/N, I uh..." He fumbled with his words, the same guilty look that I had seen on Edmund's face was mirrored on Tewkesbury's. "There's something you need to know about the third task. It's-"

"Tewkesbury?" I heard a gruff voice. I looked behind to see Professor Moody hobbling over. "Tewkesbury. My office. Immediately." He demanded. Tewkesbury gave me an apologetic smile.

"I'll see you later." He said, following Moody down the hall.

What did Ed and Tewks want to tell me?

Flowers and Swords (Edmund X Reader X Tewkesbury)Where stories live. Discover now