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The weeks before break were passing swiftly in anticipation of the next meeting of Dumbledore's Army. Everyone was looking forward to it. We even met a couple times in the middle, trying to escape Umbridge's watchful eyes, annoying Filch, or Edmund's suspicions.

After Tewkesbury had found out about my dilemma of choosing between him and Edmund, he's started to become a little bolder. Trying to act flirtier, getting closer, making stupid jokes to get me to laugh.

Despite reminding him, and myself, that I had a boyfriend, I continued to laugh at his jokes and play along, careful of respecting distances. Some people started to comment on how close Harry seemed to be to me. If only I could scream at them and tell everyone that he was my fricking brother...but Newt advised me not to. Perhaps next year when things quelled down a bit...

I was walking back to the common room after a long day of school when I noticed Harry walking towards me. He looked a bit uncomfortable. "Harry...what's wrong?" I asked him. He rubbed his neck.

"I-I need to talk to you." He said. I nodded, asking him to continue on. "Uh...not here." He said, looking around.

"Um...the common room?" I asked. He looked hesitant but nodded.

"Fine, follow me." He said. We walked back to the common room. People were bustling around because school had just ended. "Here let's just go up to my dorm." Harry suggested. I nodded, following him up.

I sat down on his bed while he paced in front of me. "I didn't come here to watch you walk, Harry. What happened?" I asked him impatiently.

"It's him!" He snapped.

"What...Tom Ridd-"

"Voldemort...yeah! I- I had a dream..." He said, calming down.

"You-you saw him?" I asked. He shook his head.

"N-no...it's more like I...ugh I dunno...I felt him. It was like I was him." He said. I was silent. "I- I was just wondering if you were feeling the same things. Has he been in your dreams?" Harry asked.

"No...I haven't felt any sort of connection...." I replied. I didn't really dream, but whenever I did, they were strange. Harry rubbed his scar. "Maybe...it's got something to do with your scar?" I guessed.

"I don't know..." Harry mumbled. I stood up from the bed.

"Well Harry, I'm glad you told me. Let me know if those dreams ever progress into...something else. But for now, I need to finish up some work and sleep early...I'm dead tired." I told him. He nodded, and I took that as a sign to leave.

I went downstairs to finish up some work. After attempting to write an essay for Snape, after the first couple paragraphs, I was too tired to continue, so I decided I would take a quick power nap and return to it.

As I fell onto my bed, I instantly fell asleep. However, I experienced something that I had never seen before. I dreamt....but it felt unrealistic. As if...I had been forced into someone else's dream and I was just there as a visitor.

I looked and saw a beautiful street lined with old European architecture. I walked along the path, unsure of what I was doing there. I went turned the corner when I felt someone join my side. "It was hard to form this connection...but nonetheless it was worth it." He said.

I looked over to see Tom Riddle walking beside me. I gasped, stopping my path, rummaging my coat pocket for a wand. He just stood and laughed. "First of all, I can't kill you here, not that I want to..." He walked up to me and raised his hand, gently tracing my jaw. "This is just a dream." He whispered.

I stepped back from his cold touch. "What do you want?" I asked, wanting to get out of this dream."

"Simply put...you." He smiled. I was about to pinch myself awake when I stopped.

"Wh-what do you mean?" I asked.

"You Y/N! They all trust you and Harry. Now Harry's a bit...temperamental...he's hard to control. Not to mention, he's not that convincing to others. People at the school either hate him or love him, there's really no in-between....but you...You are the olive branch. You are the girl who single handedly won the tournament. You saw me return. You not only have gained the trust of Gryffindors but have friends that unit all the houses." He explained. If it came from anyone but Tom, I would've smiled at the compliment.

"But in all that greatness...lies your weakness too." He sneered. "You care for friendship...more specifically...certain friends..." He continued. My mind went to Edmund, Tewkesbury, Hermione, Newt and all of my friends. "Now I only ask a simple thing. Work for me. Do as I say. Or....face the death of your friends."

I stepped back in shock. Remembering my boggart from 3rd year, seeing my friends die in front of me was still one of my biggest fears. "Y-you can't." I replied.

"But I will." He said walking closer to me. He once again reached an arm out, but before he could touch me, I pinched myself hard, willing myself to wake up. I felt myself slip out of the dream and I sat up in my bed, gasping and panting for air.

Hermione was instantly by my side.

"Y/N! Y/N are you okay? Wh-what happened?" She said, panic entering her voice. I brushed her aside.

"I-I'm fine...I need to see Harry..." I threw my cover aside and dashed out the room. I went up to Harry's room, he was studying on his bed. I made sure to lock the door.

Harry's Point of View

telling Y/N about my dreams helped. It was nice to have someone to share the burden. I flipped the page of the book I was attempting to read. That's when someone barged in the room. Y/N walked inside looking flustered.

"Y/N...what happened...you look tens-" I started but she interrupted me.

"Harry, Harry it's him! It was Tom-"

"-Voldemort-" I corrected.

"-He came in my dream...he- he told me that I had to work for him...that-that I had to do as he said, or he'd-he'd kill everyone-"

"-Whoa whoa slow down...so you had a dream...but it wasn't like you were him?" I asked.

"No, no..." She sat down on the bed, "It was a fairly normal dream...I was roaming the streets of some city...but he was there. He talked to me." She explained.

"And what did he say..." I asked, scared for the answer.

"He said how you were harder to control so he was choosing me. He said that I need to work for him and do as he says or-or..."

"Or what?"

"Or he'd kill you guys."


Hi! I wanted to thank you guys so much for 60k!!!! I love reading all your comments and critiques!

I also wanted to pop in here to say that I started a new book basically filled with all the thoughts I have late at night. I'm not trying to promote it or anything but let me know if you have any ideas. 

Just basic like 3 am thoughts...they can be happy or sad, they can be stories or poetry, pretty much anything. If you have ideas and if you don't feel like commenting here, you can always let me know privately, it's a safe space:)

Anyways, I hope you're enjoying the story,

Lots of love!

Flowers and Swords (Edmund X Reader X Tewkesbury)Where stories live. Discover now