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"Alright, here we go. Since Alice was last the last time she'll be going first." Rose shook the red sack with the stack of playing cards before thrusting it in her face and with a sinister smile encouraged Alice to go ahead.

"I dont get why we are doing this again, I thought the game was over." Alice sticks her hand in the bag and pulls out a red dimond A card with an address wrighten in black. She quickly pockets her card and moved out of the way for Kelly to go next.

"The games not over till your not grumpy anymore. I swear your last candidate did nothing to your attitude." The girls laughed a little and continued taking turns pulling out their cards.

"Maybe she'll get Willows guy," Kiara puts in, to which Willow interups her informing us that the guy wasn't hers. "Who knows the way Willow has been acting sense being dicked a second time has been very welcoming on my end of the condo. He might squirt some joy into your pussy aswell."  With a blush on her face Kiara takes a drink of her coffee and then returns to her seat next to Alice right after grabbing her card.

"Did we ask these guys to get tested?" The sound of Alice voice makes the rest of them pause in their conversation. She had a point. Had they been tested? Because the girls weren't asked to and it wasnt that she didn't trust her friends but James friends could literally be anyone. Guys didn't judge like girls did and if you said you have a fresh pussy in bed when you get home they wouldn't even stop to brush their teeth.

  "Jesus Alice, yes we did. You know you could just back out. Stop playing and you'd have no more concerns about us putting your life and health in danger." Here she goes again, for some odd reason Rose has been acting off. She's getting offended easily and snapping at anyone who mentioned it.

  "Wow, if anyone should be giving attitude here it should me. I am allowed to have my own feelings about the game and still try and enjoy it. And I'm not concerned about you putting my life or health at risk but thats not gonna stop me from wanting to take care of myself." Alice tried to get her message across with out arguing but Rose didn't seem like she wanted to avoide a fight in fact if you were to ask any of her friends she didnt only want a fight she was looking for one.

  "For fucks sake, cant you just be happy that you are finally getting some dick with out having to pay or beg for it." Rose was taking steps towards Alice who remained rooted to her seat.

  "I have never and will never pay or beg for anyone's dick. And you out of anyone should know this. I'm sorry I'm not like you, im sorry I cant just sit on a dick and rotate my hips with out worrying about who the guy is or who he's been with." Sure her words might have been a little mean but Rose looked ready to strike and for the life of her Alice had no idea why.

"Im not a slut."

  "I never said you were, but maybe you should try something new, like you told me just moments ago. Maybe the dick you've been sitting on isn't what you need to fix that attitude. A change in pace, or size, might do you good."

Rose expression fell, the fight that had miraculously taken over her body just as fast had left and with her head dropped she sat on a chair across from Alice and took a very deep breath. "We stopped hooking up, before the game started we were done. I had thought the game would push us back together but he hasn't been by. He avoids me and declines my call."

It was official if Alice had any dought she was done with relationships before, hearing the pain in Rose's voice had sealed the deal. Rose and James were it, or so she thought. If there was a friend she thought would get her happily ever after it was Rose but that dream was crushed and by the look in her friends face it wasn't an easy fix. "He asked me for some space, told me he wasn't sure if we were moving in the right direction or if we were moving at all, so he packed his things and left. If that wasn't enough I found out I'm pregnant and have tried to tell him but like I said he's not giving me the chance to."

  "Well the world is full of single, heart broken mothers. You have time to tell him and if he tries to make you feel bad when you get the chance to, let him know you tried for weeks but he didn't give you the time of day so fuck him. You have us, its not like we haven't done it before." God bless Kiara and her words of encouragment.  No filter or shame in her vocabulary.

But she was right, they had done it in multiple occasions. First with Willow, they helped her with her kids during and after her divorce. They babysat, cooked them meals and rotated schedules so that one of them was always available just incase. Then with herself, her almost 5 year old daughter loved her aunties, she wouldn't have been able to do it if it wasnt for them. Then with their friend Bella, the mother of two 9 month old boys was at the moment babysitting all the kids for them, next week it would be Kiaras turn.

Bella was the youngest of the group, at 22 years old she was also part of the game. She had been a nurse for about a year when she got pregnant but right after giving birth she got back to her passion and with the help of the group was blossoming into a wonderful mother and Rose would too.

"Dont worry hun, we got you." Willow's words floated around the table and they all had a silent comforting moment before getting back to what they were up to.

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