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"He did what?" It had been a week since the game of cards night and the girls were sat at Kelly's Diner having breakfast like they've been doing for years.

With a week full of work and some of them children they all needed the brake, Rose wanted detailes on how the night had gone and at the moment  Kelly herself was taking a turn at narrating the events on how her night had been spent.

"He tied me to his bed, spread me wide and devoured me. His mouth did wonders." But that wasn't the most interesting thing she had said. That's not why Rose had choked. "Made me come so hard, then he untied me gave me a couple of minutes before doing it again, this time he lifted my legs up had me hook me ankles and ate some more."

You could see how much she enjoyed it, she was as red as a tomato fanning herself with the menu while Kiara giggled non-stop. "But that was all he did, he made me come over and over with just his tongue and mouth."

"Girl, what else do you need, you got several orgasms that where just about you!" Kiara wasnt as shy as she let on but its said none of the shy ones were. Kiara was a fiery red head not afraid to speak her mind. She tackled every situation with a little bit of aggression and her motto was 'if you dont make life your bitch she'll make you hers and Kiara ain't no bodies bitch but her own'. Then she'd follow the statement by asking how you handled your shit. She was tall with an athletic built and legs for days. Living as a tattoo artist taught her so much more than how to sit still and shut her mouth but we loved every inch of her.

"The guys told James, they wanted to meet with you again. Most of them wanted the same girl."

"So now we take request?" Alice bit out.

"You can say no, but James also said you were one of the requested." Her heart wanted to jump out of my chest, she pulled the sleeves of the cardigan she was wearing down and pushed her glasses up. Was she really considering it? Did she really think this was a good idea? "Think about it, they wanted to see if you guys were available tomorrow."

Alice's heart leaped at the thought of seeing him in less than 32 hours.

"Well, im gonna go ahead and pass my guy was just not my type." Willow says but it serves as nothing but a reminder that she liked them rich. Filthy rich, she liked to be taken care of. She played her way through the higher society by sleeping with older man. Sugar daddies, not that she needed the money but she said they had to be her equal or she wasnt intrested I guess her guy wasn't one of the higher up.

"Oh, please chica the dick was good. You wobbled your way into the condo with your head on cloud nine. I could see the birds chirping around your head the entire day." Once again Kiara speaks her mind and I cant help but snort at her coment.

"Wich is exactly why I'm passing, the dick is too good, no need to get attached."

"Im gonna go for it." Kelly looked ecxited at the idea of getting some more action. "If my guy can do all that with his tongue I'm sticking around to see what he has to offer with some other body part." Kelly owns the breakfast diner we were currently occupying she was a great cook but she was also an amazing team leader,  always the go getter, positive vibes and bright smiles type of person. Her hair was a light brown almost dirty blonde and her eyes a milk chocolate color. She was curvy and short but her attitude made up for the missing height.

"Are we all going to ignore the fact that we are being pimped out?" A collective round of affirmations travels around the group and Rose smiled big.

"Im Glad you all trust me to offer up your pussy to complete strangers and do not disappoint at showing up. Just remember to follow the rules and we will be perfectly fine."

"I'll go if you go." Willow whispers into my ear not as low as she might have thought she was. Willow was classy, she liked what she liked and was who she was and gave no shit about it. She lived in a condo with Kiara, drove a Range Rover and not a hair was out of place. With natural highlights and green eyes she passed as the perfect image for an old money snob but she works her ass of for her shit. Owning a law firm helped not only pay the bills and feed the kids but also maintain her expensive taste. Along with the sugar daddies money.

"You know you can just say yes and go. If you really enjoyed yourself no one is going to judge." And no one would, atleast none of them would, sure Alice was subconsciously looking at how bad this game was or how degrading it could be. But every one had set atleast one friend up on a blind date that ended up in more than just restaurant and food.  And although this situation might have not been the same Alice couldn't help but try and convince herself that there was nothing really wrong with it a couple of consenting adults meeting up and enjoying eachothers company was perfectly fine.

"Well did you not enjoy yourself?" She did, she enjoyed it very much. Her legs still shook at the thought of him.

"I did I just have a hard time agreeing yet again to the idea of going to a strangers house and allowing him to touch me in ways that should be reserved for your significant other."

"You're acting as if you were a virgin, all your exes where significant others until they weren't. Now you pass each other on the streets and try to not take a glance at the other. What's the difrence?" Kiara had a point but Alice  wasnt about to agree.

"That I trusted them to take care of me."

"But did he take care of you or not? Because if so the only actual difference is that they did something or some one to break that trust this guy hasn't."

"Not yet atleast." Alice rolled her eyes at them, they weren't taking no for an answer and even if she didnt want to show up she would because that's just who she was.

"Its settled then you're all in." With a clap of her hands Rose brought out her phone and set it down on the table on speaker for all of them to hear.

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