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Game night.

Alice was beginning to think the only thing she had to look foward to was this. Sex with a stranger.

She'd had a stressful, long week. From runing into Mr.Rock Hard to her car breaking down it was about time she finaly got a chance to relax, unwind and let go. In all sences of the words.

Green was her color this week and she had a great feeling. She stepped out of the elevator she had been riding up to a 5th floor apartments with the address on her card. She didnt wear heals this time or panties.

She was ready for what ever it was that would be coming her way and wanted nothing to interfere with the pleasures these guys so greedily took and gave. She rang the doorbell, took a step back and wait for the host of  the night to invite her in.

When the door swung open a beautiful women greeted her. Alice glanced at the door down the hall and then at the card in her hand trying to figure out if she had the wrong apartment but no. She had the right one.

"Johny, tienes visita. I think its one of them girls from the game you told me!" Thats one rule broken which meant she didnt need to give this guy a nickname.

"Que graciosa, Nessa. I know you didnt forget the no name rule."

"Well if im being kicked out of my apartment the least I can do is try and ruin your night." A man with a mop of curly hair and blue eyes stood next to Nessa. It was uncanny how much they looked alike there was no mistaking the fact that they were siblings.

"No one is kicking you out. Hey come right in, dont be shy."

"The last player hand the lungs of a child, she could scream the roof of the building. If that isnt a reason to stay away then the fact that you told this one not to be shy sure as hell is." She side steped Alice and waved over her shoulder. "Remember to use protection, pick up after yourselfs and most importantly have fun. There's food in the oven feed her before sending her on her way!" She yelled as the elevator doors closed with a ping.

"Well that was a great beginning. Super eventful, I can now say there was action from the minute the door swung open." Alice said while walking in to the apartment.

"Sorry are you saying I've already done more then the other players?"

"Not you, her" Alice pointed towards the door. "Shes already feeding me, its going to be hard to top that."

"Thats easy. If your really hungry i can definitely feed you." With that Johny or McCurls, Alice had decided to call him stepped up to her pulling her body towards his with a hand on her back and the other around her neck he dived in.

His mouth desperate on hers his grip firm, powerful and his smell intoxicating. McCurls moved foward making Alice walk backwards until her back hit what felt like a tall table or counter. He gripped her thighs and lifted her off the ground placing her on the edge of the hard and cold surface.

Wasting no time at all he pulled off her flats then her long black skirt. He shoved her back onto her elbows and with out warning his head dove between her thighs.

His tongue laped at her center softly a couple of times. So softly the feeling was barely there, his breath was cool and had goosebumps rising all over her body his hands held her legs up behind her knees and when she felt comfortable, relaxed ready to succumb he nipped at her knub then sucked on it. He played with her. His tounge dove in to her then swirled around her entrance he kissed her thighs and bit her labia building up her pleasure slowly but surely.

Alice's chest was heaving her eyes shut tight her legs were shaking and her head was thrown back, the feeling between her thighs the only thing she could focuse on.

Then a finger was added into the already to much to handle sensation. Now it was WAY to much to handle, now she was bitting her lips trying to hold back a moan at the way his finger worked her.

It started out slowly, he moved his finger in wide circles around her entranced and every time he did a full circle his finger closed in more and more and...

Then he dipped it in slowly manking her arch her back he pressed the diggit against her walls and pushed his finger in all the way before pulling it out still at a very slow pace. It was driving her crazy, she couldn't speak, she couldn't move, she couldn't scream. It was like he was overriding her body. She groaned because it was the only sound she could make and pushed her hips up into his face silently pleading for more.

The message was received McCurls stood suddenly, tapped her clit ligthly with the tip of his fingers and pushed into her hard and fast. Her breast began to bounce their bodies were making a clapping sound and she could finally breath, move and scream. Her mouth opend and she did just that, she moaned, pleaded, praised and occasionally called out 'Curls'. It was amusing to him but the pleasure he was feeling every time her pussy fluttered wouldnt allow him so much as a funny smile.

Alice skin was flushed and had a thin layer of sweat on it her nipples perked and her boobs right there at reaching distance, she was leaning back on her hands keeping herself up in a sitting position making it easy for him to drop his head and suck on her pirced nipple. Her hand wrapped around the back of his head and when he bit down on her she blew. And so did he.

Her scream could have been heard on the next floor if he hadn't captured it with his mouth, her body tighten she stoped shaking and with a sigh of contentment she finally let his head go. He carefully place her legs on the countertop and rubbed his hands back and foward on her thighs and waited. Alice wasnt sure what he was waiting for but she was waiting for her soul to return to her body. She was sure something had changed in her she could feel it in the tingle of her toes and in the warmth of her cheeks. She could even feel it every time she sucked a breath in, she was so relaxed she could fall asleep but that wasnt something she would do at that moment or in that place. So, when she finally felt like she could walk she got herself put together again and with out a single word spoken McCurls walked her to her cab and watched as it drove away.

She could definitely see why she had thought this was the only thing she was looking foward too.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 17, 2022 ⏰

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