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  Alice used the white with baby blue card in her hand to fan her face, she was nervous. She had never done this and would have never thought she would have found herself doing it. But her best friend, who she was now considering she should drop all together, convinced her that this would be fun.

  Sure one night stands can be fun, if you know who your going home with, but this was a blind one night stand. Rose and James thought it would be fun to hooked up their friends with eachother through a game of cards and here she is, standing outside of a small white house on Mimosa Ave in Dover Delaware pacing up and down the sidewalk not having the courage to walk up to the door and knock.

  Maybe she was early but that was her nature, she was always early. She was thinking maybe she should leave the card in the mailbox and walk away but why would she? Like Rose said this could be a learning experience, she could act like a completely different person and go through with it. She already had the outfit going for her why not act like the confident and sexy person she always wanted to be? With a spike of courage coursing through her veins she removes her glasses, stuffs them in her bag and walks towards the black door. Without second thinking herself Alice raises her hand and bangs her fist on the door.

'Alright Alice, no shyness, no apologizing, no you.' She holds her head up and shoulders back. This was it. She was going to finally do something out of her comfort zone and no one would ever know. Other than the girls and him ofcourse. The door swings open and in its place stands a lean but muscular guy holding a phone up to his ear. "May I help you?" His brown eyes dance around her face and his lips tilt to one side.

His shirtless form taunts at Alice she knows she could have never scored such devine meal on her own and for the first time in days since the idea of the game was pitched in she was happy to have decided to go along with it. Not only was her pussy about to feast but so were her eyes and hands and who knows maybe some other parts of her body too.

The hand holding the white card with the blue joker in the middle rises towards his face. Rose said all she had to do was show the guy the card. Apparently the guys got to choose a card and wright down their address in the middle of it for the girls to pull out of a sack. And this was her pick.

Now that she was thinking about it, this was dangerous, she was a single not so small girl at a strangers house for a one nightstand. This could go wrong in so many ways. But their was a set system. Rose was allowing the woman 3 hours to do and be done as pleased and then they all had to check in. And when we left the guys house we had to again check in but the best part was James would do a house visit to all the girls in the morning make sure all made it home and all had fun. In a way they were being pimped out but no one was getting payed. Great, she was now a whore, a free whore if it makes it any worse.

With a nod of his head the stranger steps to the side. "Yes James shes here. I got to go." After stepping into the room he closes the door behind him and signals for me to follow  him. "She is. Thank you. I will, talk to you tomorrow. Have fun." The phone is then shoved into his pocket as we enter a beautiful kitchen. "Sorry about that, James is a little excited about this. He has been on the phone for half an hour said it was wierd you weren't here early. Apparently it's your thing."

James Donovan, one of my best friends it has mostly been Rose, James and I for about 10 years. Rose and James have been hooking up on and off for the entire time and it hasn't affected their friendship at all, mostly because they dont date others and talk shit out. I say they are in a very healthy relationship but they deny it. As if saying yes would ruin the whole dynamic of it all.

"Where you given rules?" He asks me and I smile.

"No real names."

"No keeping the card." He says.

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