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The meal was to die for, the questions not so much.

"Any kids?" Not his business.
"What do you do for a living?" Again not his business
"Mind if I ask how old you are?"

"Legal." Didn't his mother teach him not to question a ladies age?

"What do you do for fun?" Not have sex apparently. "Ok, how about you ask me something." Finally something she could work with.

"Would you mind directing me to your bathroom." His shoulders deflated and his smile dropped just a little but she didn't care, this was supposed to be a one time thing, then it was said to her that it would be just sex and now it had turned into a date. A date she was not prepared for, a date she did not want.

"Second door to your left right up the stairs." Alice felt relieved that he didn't argue or point out the fact that she wasnt even trying to get to know him. Sure she was doing it on purpose but she was also trying to not be disrespectful or just plain rude. She did want to get laid after all.

"Great, I'm going to go ahead and freshen up and then we can finally get back on schedule." If Alice for some reason ended up needing to use her body as a way to make money she was sure that being an escort was not her thing, atleast not with Mr. Rock-hard. She'd have to be a prostitute, it was the only way to go.

His body wasn't meant to be just admired, it had to be worshiped. She could already taste him, feel him. Her pussy pulsed with the need of having him inside of her. And she couldn't wait.

With out waiting for a response she rushed up the stairs and in the bathroom so she could brush her teeth and freshen up before being devoured.

"You know I would really love to atleast know your name."

"I heard you requested me. How exactly did you do that with out knowing my name." There were so many possibilities but she couldn't for the life of her name them. It wasnt something that felt right in her mind let alone her mouth. To refer to herself as something other than her name or nicknames she had been baptized with while growing up.

He could have just said, I want the same girl, can I request the babe from last time - she didnt consider herself a babe, but for some odd reason that's how she pictured him talking. There was a chuckle moving up the stairs as she stepped out of the bathroom in which she checked the time and realized she had an hour and thirty minutes till check in.

"Miss Babyblue. I didnt want to be obvious and I remembered you had those rocking baby blue heels that I just want to fuck you in and the same colored sexy piece under the dress. It just stuck."

Miss Babyblue and Mr. Rock-hard, what a joke. She was referd to as a color, sure it might be a compliment it is his favorite color. But still she called him Mr. Rock-hard for more than just the obvious and he called her Miss Babyblue. She didnt even like the color but he did and he said he loved it on her or something between the line.

For some reason she wasnt really feeling the it anymore. How could such an ugly none sensual name turn him on or remind him of her. Was it just her who enjoyed the night, was she so out of it that she didn't notice he wasn't really enjoying himself. Out of all the names you could give your one -maybe two- nightstand partner that's what he came up with. The lack of imaginative action was an insult, granted her imagination wasnt really all that great but atleast she picked a name that described some parts of him. She on the other hand was name after the color of her panties. "Yeah, that's not gonna work." Alice shook her head and followed her host in to his room where hopefully they could finally get to tickling her skittles.

"Which is why I wanted a name." He sat on his bed and watched her begin to toe of her yet again blue shoes. "Leave them on, the color does beautiful things to your silky skin." She nodded her head but continued to remove them just so she could get her almost suffocating jeans down her legs. "What will you be calling me when I finally make you come?"

"Why would I call you anything, it'll be achieved as a team so maybe I'll call out my own name and if thats wierd I can just scream Roger."

"Or you could,"

"Nope, not intrested. Listen, we could stick to the rules and have fun or I can wiggle myself back into my pants and walk out." Alice decided that weather or not they did end up doing it she would still be wiggling herself in them jeans and walking away not just from him but the game aswell. He was getting way to curious and that wasnt what she had signed up for. All she really wanted was an orgasm or two but this guy didn't get that.

"Ok, I'll drop it. Is the top piece the same color?" If she had any dought it was trully his favorite color it was officially rectified. The guy liked blue and had no shame in it.

"Maybe I should be calling you Mr.Babyblue." she slipped her heels back on after removing her top and swayed her hips moving towards him.

"Their is nothing baby like about me. But you, with the smooth, soft skin and the whining when ever I did something you didnt like or wasnt going as fast as you wanted are the perfect definition. So Mrs. Babyblue, how do you want it today."

"Its Miss. Babyblue to you and how about you relax and enjoy the view." Alice climed on to his lap reaching behind her to unclip the light blue braw that Rose insisted on her wearing before reaching down and latching her lips to his.

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