Act 2: The End of Landon and Stacy

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Scene 1:

It's the next morning. Chase is in the hotel, waiting for someone, specifically his girlfriend Bree, and Holly. He waits for a while, and they eventually get there. Bree runs towards him to kiss him, but notices something doesn't feel right.

Bree: Babe, is anything wrong?

Chase: (heavy breath) I'm kinda worried.

Bree: About what?

Chase: About Landon. He's gone.

Bree: What do you mean, he's gone?

Chase: He's not here. He's missing.

Bree: (worried) A-are you sure?

Chase: Sadly, yes.

Bree: Maybe he just didn't sleep here.

Holly: (nervous laughter) Hold on, Bree. You're not suggesting he slept with that girl, are you?

Bree: It's a possibility.

Chase: No. They let me check his room. It's empty, all his stuff is gone. He was here, but left, and I don't know where he is.

Bree: That's odd. 

Chase: Yeah, it is. I'm pretty sure he'd tell me, if he left on normal circumstances.

Bree: Maybe he had an emergency, or something.

Chase: Let's be real, babe. He would, at the very least, leave a message. It's Landon, we're talking about.

Bree: Oh well, then it is weird.

Chase: I have a bad feeling about this.

Bree: Oh c'mon Chase, let's not panic just yet... Let's just fly back to OZ, he'll be there, for sure.

Chase: I hope so.

[Chase and Bree both notice that Holly is unfazed]

Bree: What's with you, girl? You're way too quiet.

Holly: (smiling) I guess.

Chase: Holly, you could show a little emotion, at least. It's Landon. I'm sorry if things didn't work out between you two, but your lack of reaction is kinda disrespectful.

Holly: Oh, sorry for being the only rational person here, then. What do you want me to do? Join you guys, in the panic train? Landon is fine.

Chase: Then why do I have a strange feeling?

Holly: Because you're being over dramatic. What happened to thinking logically? Just because you have a gut feeling, doesn't mean anything bad happened to Landon.

Chase: I'm not saying it's necessarily something bad... But something huge is coming up.

Bree: Let's just fly back, and get it over with.

Scene 2:

Meanwhile, in Australia, Eddie is in his college dorm, packing his stuff. Leo is there, since Eddie called him, to help pack his stuff. But Leo is not being very helpful.

Leo: You can't go through with this. Have you lost your fucking mind?

Eddie: Bruh, chill out. Now remember, I asked you to come help me pack, not try to talk me out of it.

Leo: Dude, it's fucking insane. You left America, the worst fucking place on earth, and you came to Australia illegally, and somehow managed to stay in this piece of fucking heaven down under, without getting caught, and now you're gonna throw all that away, and go back?

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