Act 10: A Night to Remember

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Scene 1:

It's a few hours before prom night. Eddie and Linda have been avoiding each other at school, almost splitting the group. Eddie has also been hanging out with Holly, strictly as friends. Fortunately for all of them, it will likely all end tonight. RIght now, it's late afternoon, and Russ, Adam, and Eddie are at the mall, looking for tuxedos. And they're in a hurry

Russ: Told you, fellas. You shouldn't have waited till last minute to get a tux.

Eddie: I was so busy preparing mentally for prom, that I forgot the basics.

Adam: (looking around) I swear, it's like all the good stores are gone!

Russ: Guess you'll have to show up in your undies, haha.

Eddie: Now is not the time to make jokes, Russ. We have to find a fucking tux.

Adam: (points to a store a few meters away) We haven't checked that one. It's our only chance.

Eddie: Then let's fucking go there!

[They enter the store]

Russ: (looking around) They got some good stuff in here. But none of these are as cool as mine. I had it...

Eddie: (interrupting him) Yeah yeah yeah, we know, Russ! You imported it all the way from Italy. Can we focus now?

Adam: (looking at a specific tux) I found a cool one. I call dibs!

Eddie: Let me see... Oh, that blue one? Pretty cool.

Adam: (checks the price tag) Nevermind. Too expensive.

Russ: But it looks cool. Why don't you just rent it?

Adam: It's a prom tux. I wanted to keep it forever, even if I don't use it again... Besides, I'm not comfortable, wearing something that was in someone else's crotch.

Russ: Fair enough.

Eddie: Adam, chill. I'll buy you the tux.

Adam: What? Why? I don't want you to buy me a tux.

Eddie: It's fine, dude. You clearly want the tux. And money is not a problem for me.

Adam: Eddie, please. It feels like taking advantage of you.

Eddie: Adam, bro, you've been letting me stay at your place for over a month, for free. It's the least I can do. Please, I insist. Let me do something nice for you!

Adam: ... I don't know what I'd do without you, bro. (hugs Eddie, and notices another suit on the other side) Dude, look at that!

Eddie: (stops the hug, and turns around) What?

Adam: That black tux. It's perfect for you. 

Eddie: (gets closer) It looks incredible, indeed. (checks the price tag) Wow! For this amount of cash, you better help me get Linda back, or I'll sue the fucking store.

Russ: Oh, that's right. Tonight is the night.

Eddie: Yep. My last chance. It's now, or never. Destiny!

Adam: You'll get her, mate.

Eddie: I hope so... I hope she doesn't mind that I started being friends with Holly... And dear god, I hope she doesn't have a date.

Russ: Don't worry, Gail confirmed to me, she's gonna show up without a date. Good thing the principal abolished mandatory dates. Now it's just like an Aussie formal.

Adam: Yeah, may God bless the principal's soul. If it weren't for him, Eddie and I would be already out.

Eddie: I gave him a heart attack, and he saves my ass. Maybe I should do that to more people.

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