Things Go Hazy

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"Hazza! Come down! You've been sleeping all morning!" Louis yelled from where he stood at the bottom of the steps. 

No, I hadn't. The moment that I ran from the shower to the bedroom and huddled beneath the sheets was in sheer fear. I had too much adrenaline running through my thin web of veins and pumping through my heart to even hope to close my eyes for a wink of sleep. I did try though. I did try to hope for sleep, but none came and I expected that none would come in the near future. I had merely pulled the sheets over my curls and closed my heavy eyelids as the message from the intercom ran wild through my mind for the better majority of three hours. 

"Harry!" Lou called again.

My fingers shook mildly as I pushed back the sheets and sat up. I had nothing to be afraid of. Nothing at all. I was just tired. Today was my birthday and I didn't need to spend it tucked beneath the sheets of my bed because I was likely an unfortunate coward that had watched one too many horror and thriller movies.

"Coming!" I shouted back to him as I slid off of the bed and pulled a pair of sweats on. I chuckled to myself before pulling them off and grabbing another pair. The initial sweats were Lou's and they hardly covered further than the middle of my shins. I tugged on a pair of my own joggers and made my way toward the stairs.

Lou stood down at the bottom of the steps with an apron hanging from his neck and covering his bare chest. Flour dusted his cheeks and created angled shadows on his features. "There you are," he grinned whilst holding his arms open wide. 

I rolled my eyes before taking my time walking down the stairs to him. 

His arms slowly began to drop back down to his sides as his grin turned into a sour grimace, "Harreh! Hurry up!" 

"Patience," I mumbled before throwing my arms around his waist and nudging his arms up to my neck. I could feel his heart beat faintly against my chest as he stood on his toes.

We stood there for a small moment before Lou grew restless and the airy smell of burning cake began to fill the room.

"What kind of mess did you make without me?" I laughed as he slipped away and began a mad dash for the kitchen. 

He scoffed loudly. A light grey smoke littered the air as he opened the oven and I finally trailed into the kitchen. To say that it was a mess would be much of an understatement. The kitchen was the resulting aftermath similar to that of a tornado. Flour dusted the kitchen cabinets and the tile flooring. Cake mix and egg shells created colored spots about the kitchen. Empty cake boxes, candles, and icing tubs littered the counter in large quantities. However, no mess compared to the burnt and charred disaster that Lou pulled from the oven. 

His blue eyes shifted from me to the burnt remains of the cake in dismayed uncertainty. 


With his lips pursed he groaned, "I'm no good at this."

"Close the oven before you darken the ceiling with that smoke," I smiled at him before slipping on an oven mitt and dragging the cake pan from his grasp.

He reluctantly did as he was instructed before following me to the table. 

"I'm grateful that you tried," I began as I grabbed one of the tubs of icing from the counter and began spooning it onto the charred cake.

His lips curled down into a grimace as he watched, "You really don't have to eat it..."

I dipped the spoon into the portion of the cake covered with sweet sugared icing and plunged it into my mouth. 

"Harry..." he murmured whilst staring intently at me. His eyebrows were raised as he tilted his head.

I nodded my head a moment as I forced myself to swallow it, "Delicious!" A smile curled my lips before spreading onto Lou's.

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