See Me, Hear Me, Miss Me

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A Note From Kaity: So heres the super secret surprise chapter haha. On the side is what Olly would look like if he hadn't died with hazel eyes of course. Cutie yeah? Haha. I was going to post the picture of him as a kiddie but I the link I had got messed up, so boo. But, anyways, there Olly is in all his cuteness.

The song... I just love. Anyway... READ :D


It all happened the second year I attended elementary school. According to my former teachers, I was bit behind so I was the older one in my first grade class. I couldn't really tell you how they judge a seven year old on their intelligence and ability to learn but I guess I couldn't really argue with sticking around the kids that were smaller than me. I liked it that way, and who wouldn't? I was a bit slower than a lot of the kids my own age so it was nice to have the slight height advantage over the smaller ones. 

"Oliver Gregs," the teacher lady called out as I scrambled into my seat.

My tiger striped back pack was held tightly to my chest as I raised my hand, "Here Misses! It's Olly!"

She frowned at me a little as she marked my name off of the roll, "We'll stick with your given name dear." Her greying hair was pinned back in a tight bun and her glasses sat on the bridge of her nose as she continued to call out the other names of the children in my class.

I wrinkled my nose a little. No one called me Oliver except Misses. It was so boring. What six year old wants to be called Oliver? The name always reminded me of a fat old man with a grey beard that had Wheaties crumbled in it because he was too senile to clean it after eating his cereal. Blech.

Misses went on to begin drawing letters on the board that I already knew from the year before so I scribbled on my desk with my eraser leaving little skid mark drawings. I sketched out what I imagined to be little tigers and then I was a quarter through drawing myself in excellent fashion beside the little animals when Misses came over and snatched up my harmless utensil. "Oliver, pay attention to the board," she chastened me.

I frowned down at my incomplete drawing, completely ignoring Misses until she dismissed us for recess. I scrambled out onto the playground with wheezing breaths.

Some of the other kids were already playing a game of tag.

I made my way over to them not caring about the mud that splashed up onto the pants of my uniform.

The tagger was a little ginger haired lad with a quirky little grin, "Hey stupid!"

Stupid? Who said I was stupid? "No...! I'm Olly!"

A little girl with her hair pulled up into ringlet pigtails stopped beside the ginger haired lad, "Yeah, he's stupid, Eddie!"

The other kids who were hiding from the ginger haired lad emerged from there spots to see what was occurring.

I merely stood there a little confused. I wasn't stupid. "I'm not stupid..." I replied firmly as my bottom lip pouted.

Their laughter filled my ears. "Stupid! Stupid! Stupid!" they chanted with giggles as I stood in the middle of their circle.

I just wanted to play tag... I wasn't stupid. I wasn't right? I was just held behind because I couldn't read the letters properly. I just wanted to play... Tears rolled down my cheeks as my breaths came out wheezy. Mum always said activity wasn't what I was best at. Daddy said I was a little weak for my age. I wasn't stupid though. They never said I was stupid. I was only weak because I had often been sick as a toddler. 

I pushed myself out of the circle and tried to run to Misses but my breaths were too short. I cried hoarsely as I slipped into the mud.

The other children from my class continued to laugh.

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