Sing to Me Curly

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A Note From Kaity: I really love writing this haha I know I said that before but... I really do haha. I love updating this one! Actually, I really love all of my current stories. I feel like they're going really really well.  If You haven't read my other stories, go do it! Hehehe :3

Hehehe keepy voting ;) Ziam is OUT of the competition. Ziall is winning but Niam is fairly close behind.



"Harry what's been up with you lately," Liam asked as he began putting two frozen pizzas into the oven. The other boys hadn't arrived yet and he was trying to make some sort of food offering for Niall before they showed up.

I leaned against the counter and tried to think through what I would say, "I just miss someone is all..."

His hazel eyes drifted to me, "Someone being...?"

"My friend Louis..." I replied softly as I rested my chin on my folded arms.

"The missing boy...? Harry..." his voice was filled with a concern that I wanted to hear at the moment. I wanted someone to hold me and to tell me that my feelings and my concerns... Even my hopes were okay...  

Tears blurred my vision as I burried my face in my hands, "I think I've found him but he doesn't... He doesn't remember me... He doesn't remember who he is..."

His strong arms pulled me into his chest as the tears began to stream down my cheeks. "Don't cry Harry... We'll figure it out... Okay? Who do you think he is...?" he asked softly.

"The boy from the restaurant... I know it's him... I just... I don't know how..." my cries dampened the fabric of his shirt and my fingers gripped his sides.

He rubbed circles into my back and was silent for a moment, "Harry... How do you know...?" 

That was a good question that I wasn't sure how to answer. The only reason I knew was because... I just simply did. I had known Louis for a year, almost to the date. From one of his birthdays to the next and even though he had become my best friend in that short time I still considered him the new boy on the block.

"We'll figure it out together, okay Harry? I'll help you look and if it's him then I'll help you help him. Alright...? We'll start tomorrow..." he played lightly with my curls as I sobbed into his chest. His heartbeat calmed me as he held me close. "Don't cry anymore, okay?" he wiped my eyes and lead me to one of the kitchen chairs. "Just relax alright?" Liam sat me down and continued to make other snacks while the pizzas cooked. He hummed softly as I rested my head on the table and closed my eyes. 

I had almost fallen asleep by the time Niall and Zayn came bursting through the door. "We're here!" Niall shouted as Zayn carried him in on his back. The blonde's arms were gingerly wrapped around the tan boys neck. Certainly wasn't a sight I was used to seeing. 

"Lads...! Shhh....! Harry's asleep...!" Liam tried to hush them as he placed the two pizza's on the bar top and set out a tray of finger sandwiches. 

"No, I'm not Liam..." I sighed as I lifted my head.

Zayn let go of the boys legs and Niall slid down from his lap. "You okay, man?" Zayn asked as he sat down at the bar. 

"Your eyes are a bit red," Niall commented as he stuffed a fresh out of the oven slice of pizza into his mouth. Apparently he was immune to being burned by hot foods because he just kept shoveling them in.

I nodded my head and stood to grab a sandwich. 

After a few moments of us eating in a moderate silence Liam piped up, "We should invite him out with us!"

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