Gather Up Your Tears

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A Note From Kaity: I'm a little sad to say that this story is nearing it's end. I really enjoy writing it haha. It might surprise you but this story is actually the easiest of all my stories to update. 

Thank you for endlessly supporting me. Without you guys I really wouldn't be writing. When I was a kid my teacher actually told me I couldn't write at all, do you think I've proven her wrong? 



"He's gone! What do you mean he's gone!" I shouted into the phone as the soles of my shoes finally reached the platform of the train station. 

Liam glanced at me in a bit of surprise, a look that I wasn't wanting to get used to. The stable one looking surprised was never good.

"We came downstairs and he's gone," Niall repeated himself.

I pulled on my curls just as I caught sight of Jay getting off the train. Two small blondes were in her grasp, the twins. Lottie and Fizz stepped out of the train after them carrying Jay's bag in between them. "Damn it..." I cursed under my breath. "We just got Lou's mum, I'm going to have Liam bring them to the house and I'm going to go looking for him. Keep your phone on Niall," I hung up just as Jay got into hearing range of our conversation.

"Harry..." she forced a smile as she set down the twins and wrapped her thin arms around my torso. 

I returned the gesture before turning to Liam, "Jay, this is my friend Liam. Something's come up and I need to take care of it so he's going to take you back to his house. I will be there shortly." I did my best to smile at her reassuringly but I could tell she wasn't buying it.

"What happened to him Harry...?" she asked softly. I could feel the four small girls eyes on me.

"He's just a bit scared is all," I smiled at her. "I've got to get going. I'll see you all soon," I pushed the twins hats over their faces and watched as smiles over came them. Good. Somone needed to smile.

I began heading back in the direction of Oliver's house. What if he was just saying that he agreed to get us to leave him alone? Any information that he provided, he could have gotten from what I had said or from common sense. 

"Be safe Harry," I heard Jay call after me as I exitted the station.

I took off running. My lungs were sore but I didn't care, as long as they were still filtering whatever air I could manage to take in, then that was good enough. Hell, for Lou I'd keep running even if I was suffocating. 

Please... Please be safe Lou...


I stood at the base of the steps to the home I had known for most of my... could I call it my life? Most of Oliver's life. I just needed to know. I needed to know why... I ran my fingers through my hair and inhaled deeply as I climbed the steps. I wondered if mum would want me to dye it back to brown... This was what I was used to.

Would if be good for me to go back...? I scoffed a little to myself. What a dumb thought. Of course it would be good for me to go back. I didn't belong here. These people were... could I call them insane? For the most part, they treated me with every kindness and love. What would happen to them after this...?

My hand wrapped around the door handle and tried to take in another calming breath. My heart raced painfully in my chest. That familiar terror I felt as a child was consuming me again. "I'm home mum, daddy," I called out as I opened the door. 

"Oliver!" the man yelled as he gripped my arms and pulled me inside the home. "Did they hurt you! Are you okay!" he shouted.

I brushed his hands off of my arms and took a tentative step back to the door, "Do not touch me."

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