My Only

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A Note From Kaity: Found out today that apparently nine girls took their lives over yesterdays events about Larry Stylinson... Although I highly doubt the credibility of this, it is still something very serious. Girls and Boys, my readers that I have access to... Don't ever do something like that. Suicide is something very close to my heart as I have lost many people to it and I hope that you all will not make that choice especially over something such as Larry Stylinson. There are people out there to talk to... Myself included. If you ever need someone let me know, I am more than willing to be there for you. After all, it's easier to talk to someone who doesn't know you right? 

I love you guys. Just know that you're not alone. I'm always available to you guys. If I'm doing something I'll make time for you. 

I'm not trying to be a downer... This is just a very serious matter and I thought that it needed to be addressed. Please guys, if you need ANYTHING AT ALL talk to someone.

Forever and Always, 
Kaity Parry


'Stay away from Oliver'

My mind raced as I read over the four words again and again. I slipped carefully out of the bed after I was positive that the other boys were asleep and I made my way into Liam's bathroom. I shut the door as carefully as I could before dialling Jay's number. It was late but if Oliver called her, then I was positive that she wasn't sleeping much either. 

"Harry?" her frantic voice reached me.

"Yes, Mrs. Tomlinson, this is Harry," I replied softly.

"A boy called me... My boy called me..." the tears were evident in her voice. It broke my heart and I could hear that hers was breaking too. "Oliver is my baby isn't he...?"

I lowered the toilet seat lid and sat myself on top of it. My knees had begun to shake and if I fell, then, the other boys would surely wake up. "He told me he called you, that's why I'm calling Jay... I really think it is him..." I ran my fingers through my curls. 

A small sob reached my ears, "Harry... Does he know...?"

"No... He... He remembers things here and there. I'm not really sure what he does know, but he knows something about you... I'm afraid for him Jay. He texted me tonight for a little bit about you and after he stopped texting I got a message telling me to stay away..." I was worried that Oliver wouldn't show up at Starbucks. What if they moved him? He would certainly know that something was wrong then wouldn't he? What if... What if they hurt him...? 

Dark spots formed on my pants as my tears dripped from my cheeks. "Jay, could you catch a train to London? I'm supposed to meet him at eight in the morning," I kept my voice as strong as I could. 

"Y...Yes... I'll get my things together now. I'll have to bring the girls..." I could hear her rushing around in the background.

"My friend can watch them for a little while. Jay, I need you to listen to me..." I stood and walked back into Liam's room. I nudged Liam with the toe of my shoe until he finally began to stir.

"What is it Harry...?" she asked through her tears. 

Liam sat up and rubbed at his eyes. Once I had his attention, I walked out of his room with him following close behind me, "I don't know if those people are dangerous... I'm really scared for him Jay."

Her cries increased some, "My baby will be okay. My Louis' going to come home..."

"Call me when you get here Jay... I'll meet you at the station," I murmered softly as I ran my hand over my eyes in an attempt to dry my tears.

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