I Wish

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A Note From Kaity: I actually really like writing this story haha, I don't know why but I enjoy the idea. Probably because I want to work with kidnapping cases and all that... but anyway :) I'm doing my best to update but I have an eight page paper to write, two tests, and a lot of home work lol. 

Also, if you haven't read Look Back & Smile, go do it :) Its my new story, actually the third part to the Light Years series BUT you don't technically have to read Light Years or Nothing Left To Burn in order to understand what's going on in the story. <3

xo~ Kaity


We left the restaurant and went on our merry way to Liam's. My eye was turning a bit blue according to the boys but I wasn't in the slightest bit bothered. I had something that I needed to find out, just to satisfy my undying curiousity. 

"What are you looking at, man?" Zayn enquired as he looked over my shoulder.

I was sitting at Liam's computer with one of those silly pointy birthday crowns on top of my curls. 

The other two lads were trying to whip up some kind of birthday cake or something of that sort in the kitchen. 

"Louis Tomlinson?" Zayn voiced as he say down beside me.

I nodded mildly, "He was a friend of mine that disappeared when we were kids. I wanted to see something." I pulled up his most recent add of the missing kids website for the area we used to live in. I scrolled through the photos until I reached what I was looking for. There was a photo of Louis in front of the house he used to live in on the left of the screen and on the right there was a generated photo titled 'Enhanced to 18 years old'. 

"That looks like our waitor," the quiff haired lad laughed.

I tilted my head slightly. The image did look slightly like Oliver, but wouldn't he have recognized me? I haven't changed that much since we were kids... I mean it's been ten years... but still. 


What if it was him?

That meant that...

Louis Tomlinson kissed me.

"Why are you blushing Harry?" Niall snickered as he came in with Liam and some concocted birthday dessert.

I rubbed at my face quickly. "I'm not...!" I exclaimed before shutting down the web browser and turning to them with an embarrassed look plastered on my face. That boy couldn't be Louis. There wasn't any way... Why was I even entertaining the idea that it could be him? Some things just weren't possible, and trying to convince myself that they were would only serve to hurt me. I wasn't a child and I needed to look at the reality.

Liam set down the creation he and Niall had created and they began singing Happy Birthday to me. I wasn't going to let some foolish thought ruin the only night dedicated to me. I got a punch, dinner with my favorite lads, and a kiss from a stranger. Those were the only things that mattered. 

They finished singing as I leaned over the candles and blew them out with one wish in mind.

Where ever you are Lou... I wish you happiness and that maybe we'll meet again someday.

"Did you make a wish Harry?" Liam grinned as Niall bounced in his seat.

I nodded my head sheepishly. "But, I'm not telling!" I grinned cheekily.

"No fair Harreh!" the little blonde cried out. He paused after a moment and a devilish look crossed his little face. That wasn't good. I hardly had enough time to register what he was doing before his fingers dipped into the birthday concoction and he rubbed the contents over my face. 

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