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A Note From Kaity: So LWWY got leaked and then One Direction posted it on their facebook page lol. I praise whoever made youtube converters... "Yeah we'll be doing what we do just pretending that were cool so tonight lets go crazy crazy crazy... I know we just met but lets pretend it's love..." xD the boys... sincerely promoting one night stands because they're going to live while they're young. LOVE IT <3 Thank you for no longer acting like school boys but instead perverted boys. I LOVE YOU


I cradled him against my chest and played lightly with his hair. 

His sobbing streaked my shirt as his fingers gripped the fabric. "Harry... Mum's coming...? Is she mad...? Is she mad at me...? I didn't mean to let this happen..." he cried softly as his breathing came out in short gasps.

He called Jay, mum... "No, no, no... Louis... She isn't mad... She's coming because she wants to see you... She missed you very much Louis..." I lifted his chin so that he would look at me but he quickly looked away and burried his face into my shirt. "Lou..."

He cringed into me when I tried to touch him again, so I let him be. I rested my hands on either side of him as he cried.

Liam stooped down to the table and handed me my cup of tea before sitting on the floor between the couch and the table. "Louis, can I ask you something...?" Liam began after a long silence.

The boy against my chest had quieted down by then but he didn't respond.

"Louis?" I called his name softly as I tilted my head to try and see his face. 

His long lashes were flush against his slightly tanned cheeks and his tears had long since stopped, leaving little pained streaks down his soft face. His fingers were still tangled in the fabric of my shirt but not as tightly as they once were. He was restlessly asleep against my chest.

"How about that..." Liam smiled a little as I took a small sip of my, now, cool tea. 

I nodded a little just as my phone began to vibrate. Jay was calling. I pryed his fingers off of my shirt and laid him down onto the couch. Liam covered him in a warm blanket and went to wake up the boys that were peacefully passed out upstairs. I heard him explaining the situation to them as I stood by Lou's sleeping form. I pressed a chaste kiss on his soft lips and brushed the fridge away from his eyes before Liam finally came back down. 

"Ready?" Liam asked as he adjusted the coat that he was still wearing.

I nodded and followed him out the door. I hoped for the best but a part of me was afraid that the worst was all we would get like usual.


"I wanna play more...!" the little chocolate curled boy in front of me pouted out his bottom lip after his stomach grumbled. We had been playing for hours in the little shack that I had found. I had proudly deamed it OUR fort. Well... At the time it was mostly his fort. I found it for him. I knew it would make him smile and that cheeky little grin of his was enough to make me happy too.

I giggled a little and set down the Power Ranger that he had brought for me when we first met. It was my favorite and always would be because it came from my Harry. "I'll go get some snacks then and I'll be right back, promise!" I tugged my red knit hat back down on my head and trudged out of the little fort. 

I stalked back through the snow and caught sight of someone just peering through the wooded area. His focus was on Harry's fort. What was he doing? I stepped quietly through the snow bank and stopped a few trees behind the man. He had a nervous expression on his face and his gloved hands were shaking. There was a photo in his grasp and I could barely make out the figure of a small kid probably about my age but without my glasses I couldn't really tell. 

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