Chapter 24 (Lance)

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I drive towards the park in a bit of a panic. I didn't expect to be gone this long and I got no clue how Aiden's holding up alone. It's dark now and the air has cooled to shivering temperatures. I race to get to him as fast as I can. When I pull up I almost lose my shit. He's gone. Fuck! There's no way he would have just got up and left, right? I know I was gone for awhile but dammit, it's not like he has anywhere to go!

I hop out of the car and look around the dark deserted area. Empty. Where the hell could he have gone? My heart's racing as I head back to my car. He could have gone for a walk or something, maybe his legs cramped up after sitting there for so long. I drive slowly down the street, eyes locked to the sidewalk, praying I catch a glimpse of him. I see two people walking up ahead and as they pass under a streetlight, I identify one as Aiden, but the other's face is still obscured in shadow. A male for sure, not much bigger than me. I saw his arm fling around Aiden's shoulder and I swear I almost forgot I was driving. Who the hell is he, and why's he getting cozy with my boyfriend? Better question. Why doesn't my adorably shy boyfriend seem to mind.

I continue cruising behind them when I see them begin to head towards a car. Aiden trips over something and the guy grabs ahold of him as they both fall onto the grass. I hit the brakes. I watch them. Aiden lies there, staring at the guy whose now on top of him. What the fuck? A part of me is yelling for Aiden to push the asshole off, the other wants to know what the hell that guy is thinking. I exit my car. This has gone on long enough. I stride towards them. I see the guy get awfully close to Aiden, then kiss him! Before I know it, I'm on top of the asshole and throwing punches like a fucking boxer. His knee deals a hard blow to my stomach, sending me to the ground. He jumps on me but as he readies his fist, he stops suddenly. I see him clearly for the first time and realize it's Peter, my older brother. Aiden pulls him off me and I get up, still ready to fight. 

"What the hell are you doing with my boyfriend Peter!" I say, fuming.

"Didn't know he was your boyfriend. Obviously, I wouldn't have bothered if I knew. I thought you had a girlfriend. The fuck happened to her?" He wipes the blood from his lip.

"I broke it off. Obviously." I head over to Aiden to see if he's alright. Thinking he might be a little shaken up.

"I'm fine," he replies, "just a little confused. How do you guys know each other?" He looks between Peter and I, waiting for an answer.

"He's my brother." We say in unison.

Aiden only seems more confused now. 

I turn back to Peter, "I thought you had plans tonight? What happened to 'tell mom I'm at a friends'?"

"It's still pretty early, I was just getting a little run in before the party. Who'd have thought I'd run into him again?" he says.

"Again?" I say, perplexed. I look at Aiden who seems to have come to some revelation.

"I met him at the food place we went to awhile back and saw him passing the school one time. I guess he was the guy in your house the other day."

"At least it's not some random guy." I grab Aiden by the hand, "We're going home." and head to my car.

"Wait? He's staying at the house? There's no way dad would let that fly." Peter says.

I turn to him, irritated as hell, "It's not like you're gonna tell him!" I gather my emotions before continuing. "He needs a place to stay-"

"How long has it been already? Can't be too long if dad hasn't found out yet... What about mom? Does she know?" Peter questions.

"Just a night. And kind of. She knows he spent last night there."

"Well " he says rubbing the back of his neck, "You two better figure something out. You know I'm not gonna say anything, but he's bound to find out eventually." He sighs and pulls his keys from the front pocket of his jeans. "I'll see you guys at home, I guess."

With that, he sends a small wave to Aiden and pulls off, leaving the two of us standing by my car.
"We should get going." I say to Aiden who nods in response.
As we drive, Aiden stays completely silent and to be honest I don't feel like talking much either. We pull up to the house and I spot my mom's car. Thankfully my dad isn't home yet, not that he usually is this early. He always works way later than he has to. There's no way she's gonna let Aiden stay without an explanation this time.
"Hey babe, I need you to wait for a minute okay?"
Aiden looks at me and I'm surprise to see the irritation on his face.
"Again?" He says.
"Look, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to be gone that long but I need to talk to my mom about you or she won't let you stay over."
His eyes widen in alarm.
"And what exactly are you gonna tell her?"
"Nothing you don't want me to."
I can tell he's stressing over this. I take his hands into mine and lay a soft kiss on them. My eyes peer into his.
"Look, I'll tell her your dad's out of town and there was some kind of accident at your place. You're real shaken up about it and need a place to crash."
"And what if she asks about before? What're you gonna tell her then?"
"I'll just say it happened sometime yesterday which was why you stayed over. Okay?"
"Yeah, I guess." He says apprehensively.
I rush into the house and see my mom standing in the kitchen by the stove.
"Lance? Home on time today. Oh! look, no unexplained guests this time." She says clasping her hands together in a mocking way.
"About that-"
"Yes, about that indeed. Who was that boy? You know your father would have thrown a fit if he knew you were having friends over, especially during football season! You know how he feels about distractions."
"He's not a distraction. But look, mom-"
"Look mom nothing. You know the rules. No sleepovers until AFTER season. I only let it pass because that boy was in such a miserable state, I couldn't possibly-"
"MOM! Can you just listen for a second."
"Don't take that tone with me."
"I'm sorry but please just listen. The boy, his name's Aiden, and he needs a place to stay for a little while."
"But mom-"
"No buts."
"At least let me explain."
"Unnecessary. The answer is no." She says firmly.
"But you don't understand!"
"No friends spending the night during season, you know this."
"He's not just some fucking friend! He's my goddamn boyfriend and he needs my help! He's in a hell of a tough spot right now and this is the best thing I can do to help him out. So please."
My mother, taken aback gathers herself before responding. "Honey, boyfriend or not, rules are rules. I'm sorry about your friend-"
"Boyfriend." I correct.
She clears her throat. "boyfriend, but you're father made it very clear-"
"I'm not asking him, I'm asking you. If he finds out, I'll take full responsibility. Aiden...Aiden can't go home right now. Last night..." I take a deep breath and pray this lie will win her over, even though I know the truth would surely get her to change her mind. "last night his place was broken into." I see the look of shock on her face. "He was lucky he wasn't there but his dad is gone on a business trip and he doesn't feel safe being there alone."
"Jesus. Did he call the cops?"
Her question caught me off guard, I didn't think that deep into it. I search my brain for reasonable response.
"He did, but they can't do much without his father and he hasn't been able to contact him. They just took his statement and asked if he had anywhere else to stay. That's when he called me."
"My goodness. That's just terrible. He must be pretty shaken up." she says sympathetically.
"So, can he stay? Please?"
She's quiet for a moment before answering, "Well, I can't really say no now. But make sure he's fed and in your room before your dad gets home."
I thank her upwards to a million time and give her a big kiss on the cheek before running outside to get Aiden. I open the passenger door for him, letting him know she's on board. We walk into the house, hands clasped together between us. I can tell he's pretty nervous.
"Hey relax. She's not so bad."
My mom comes out the kitchen to greet him. She welcomes him with a big hug. Surprised at the embrace, he slowly returns her gesture.
"Oh! You poor boy. You must have been terrified! No wonder you looked so wretched last night!"
I see Aiden's brow wrinkle, probably slightly offended. He looks in my direction and I chuckle a bit. After I rescue him from my mother's dramatics, we head up to my room. I shut the door. Aiden takes a seat on my bed and looks up at me, bewildered.
"What's up?" I ask.
"Well..." he begins as he starts rubbing his shoulder sheepishly, "...did I really look that bad yesterday?"
I laugh as I approach him, taking a seat next to him. "Soaked in water? Hell no." I lie down on the bed and pull him down with me so that he lies on my chest "What's sexier than that." I say, tussling his hair.
I lied.
The truth was he looked just as bad as my mom said he did. He probably thinks he hides his emotions well enough and maybe sometimes he does. Maybe before I was really looking. But not last night. Last night I swear I saw every bit of fear in him and worse, I saw how helpless he was. He looked like a boy on the edge, and now I'm doing everything in my power to keep him from falling off.

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