Chapter 6 (Lance)

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I wake up to my Escape the Fate alarm. Situations blasts from the small green box on my mahogany dresser. I let it play sending me into a pretty good mood that I hope will last throughout the day. My brown hair licks at my eyes and I wipe it from my face. The shower massages my aching muscles from practice and sweeps away the sweat from the hot night. I throw on a pair of blue jeans, a black tee and Nike SB's. My hair is combed back with its usual sexy flip in the front.
And I'm ready for school.
My mom meets me downstairs with my lunch in hand, I grab it and throw my backpack over my shoulder.
"Thanks mom" I say with a kiss to her cheek. I grab an apple from the fruit bowl and make my way to the door. "See ya later. I might be late coming in tonight."

"Alright honey, be safe, I love you."
"Love you too."


My heart's racing as I rush to my first period class, and it's not because I'm almost late. When I get to math my feet stop outside the classroom to try to gain a smidge of composure before walking in. Looking inside everything stops.

My mind won't think. My heart won't beat. My feet won't move. My eyes won't blink.

Everything disappears. The only thing I see is an empty chair with a missing person who's supposed to sit by me. A loud ringing wakes me from my trance.

"Excuse me Mr. Dowry, are you planning on standing for the remainder of the class period or are you going to sit. "

I blink in confusion as I look up at my teacher's bony sunken face. He's not here. My eyes pop and my legs run the opposite direction. Something's wrong. I can't explain what, but this isn't just a sick day. Maybe I'm over reacting but if I'm not, I'll regret ignoring my instincts. I dash out of the classroom, out of the school, and into my car. I drive to the park where we shared our first conversation. The wooden bench is vacant along with the rest of the park. Running back to my car I know there's only one other place to look. I pull up to his house.

This could be the worst decision I've ever made if I'm wrong. He'll think I'm crazy for sure. Coming to the house of a guy I barely know and who barely knows me just because he didn't show up to a stupid math class. A part of me hopes I'm wrong, the other part knows I'm right.

I ran to his door and knocked. No answer. Again. No answer. My heart, fueled with fear, went into overdrive and I could do nothing to calm it. I bang on the door. No answer. Again, even harder. No answer.

"Aiden! Aiden if you're in there open the door. Just let me know you're okay." No answer. "Aiden!" I bang harder and harder until blood runs down the door.

Where the hell is he? If not here, then where? If only I had his number, then I could call him. Then I can find out where he is and see if he's okay, but I don't. Why the hell don't I!
My already bloody knuckle hit the door once more.

At this point I was desperate. On the right side of his house there is a window up high on the second story. It could be the one to his bedroom.
A pole traveled down the side of the window and it looks like it could be climbed.

My hands grip the sides of the cold grey pole. It is damp from the morning dew but that won't stop me. My feet press against the white walled house and I slowly make my ascension. At the middle I slip and slide down a little barely catching myself . I continue on being a bit more cautious. Finally I make it up enough to see through the window. My heart has stopped so many times today that I'm surprised I'm still alive. He lies on the bed with that raven black hair covering his face. His bed looks way too big for him. The sheets cover his extremities but he's shirtless. My breath catches in my throat. I feel like I'm some kind of peeping Tom. Just as I'm about to climb down he turns over away from me and I see his back. I can't make it out clearly but it looks like blood on the sheets and covering his back, it had to be.

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