Chapter 22 (Lance)

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I hesitated. I'd never been so nervous in my life. I'd never been so honest about my feelings. I couldn't even look him in the eyes.
"I'm stupid with you." I peeked up to see his reaction and he looked just as red as I felt. His absence of words left me feeling like an idiot and far beyond the borders of awkwardness. As I inhaled, I tried to calm myself.

"It's just that I'm not used to it, that's all."

I gestured towards the bathroom, "Go on, I'll leave you to it."

He stares at me as if he doesn't believe me.

"Cross my heart." I make the movements with my hand and add a wink.

He rolls his eyes and shuts the bathroom door.

I quickly throw on some clothes and wait for Aiden. I check the clock. Definitely going to be late. The bathroom door finally opens and Aiden stands their sheepishly.

"I need to brush my teeth." he says.

I nod and head to the hall closet to grab a spare for him. As I walk back in I notice he hasn't moved in the slightest. I hand him the toothbrush and we both ready ourselves in the bathroom. As I finished fixing my hair, I saw Aiden finger comb some of his hair in front of his eye. I took his shoulders and had him face me. Shock highlighted his face. One big green eye stared at me. Gently, I finger combed his hair out of his face and tucked bits of it away behind his ear. His hair was soft under my hands, now rested just beneath his ears. Two big green eyes stared at me.

"That's better. You shouldn't hide such a beautiful face, and you definitely shouldn't hide those gorgeous eyes."


"I can't help it. Its too true for me not to say it. And too true for you not to know it. Y'know they're one of the first things I fell for." I cradle his cheeks and touch my lips to his. "C'mon, we're already late." I take his hand and lead him out my door.

"What happened to your hand?" he asks, shocked. He takes it into his, observing the blood spotted bandage.

"Don't worry about it. It's fine"

"It looks like it hurts."

I couldn't help relishing in the concern in his tone. I like that he cares about something so small.

"It's fine." I say reassuringly.

The house is quiet, everyone must've left already. Good. One less thing to argue with my parents over. We mutually decide to skip breakfast so I grab my keys. As the world passes by outside my window, I take in the moment. Aiden Cinder is in my car. He spent the night in my bed. He's my boyfriend. Boyfriend. I look over at him, confirming this wasn't a dream. And can't stop the goofiest smile from forming on my face. I've never loved living as much as I did right now.

We pulled up to the school. As I unbuckled my seat belt and opened the door, I noticed Aiden hadn't moved.

"Hey, what's up? I thought we were doing school today."

"Maybe we shouldn't walk in together."

I didn't know how to take that statement.

"What do you mean?"

"Well, you know. Like it's you and...well me. I just.. I don't know, I guess it's just easier to be normal. Like before."

Maybe I was overreacting but I I felt this fire light in my chest. I was pissed.

"Normal? What exactly isn't normal here? I just want to walk with my boyfriend to class, that sounds pretty fucking normal to me. I already told you if shit happens I'll handle it. What's the big deal?"

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