Chapter 7 (Aiden)

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I wake up in a colorless bed surrounded by colorless walls. It doesn't take me long to figure out where I am.
The hospital.
An all too familiar environment. Saint Joseph's hospital has been my home since I was born here sixteen years ago. Ever since mom left, I've been making plenty more visits.
I hear all kinds of noises outside my room. A female nurse walks in.
"Hey Phyllis, long time no see huh."
"Not long enough bud." She sighs, "Not long enough."
I know. Trust me I know. It's sad when you know the staff at a hospital on a first name basis. These people are like my second family.
"Why so gloomy?"
"Why so happy? You're in a hospital."
"Yeah about that, how did I get here exactly?"
"I guess you were unconscious the whole time. Some guy came in here yelling like a lunatic with you in his arms. You were only wearing underwear. What's up with that?"
"Some guy? What did he look like? Did he give you his name."
"Woah woah woah, hold your horses geez. He was He had blue eyes and I mean really blue like a deep blue. I've never seen anyone with eyes that blue, maybe Chris Pine but that's about it."
Great she's rambling.
"Yeah yeah yeah blue eyes that's great what else."
"Okay no need to get snappy. He...he...he wore a um, what are those sports jackets called?"
"Varsity jackets."
"Yeah those. He wore one of those. And his hair was like a movie star's it had the flip thing and looked all soft."
"Lance. Lance Dowry brought me here? From my house!" I feel kinda dizzy and nauseous. Phyllis walks towards me.
"Calm down little buddy. Your wrap sheet is full this time which means you need a lot of rest. You got a lot of lacerations and a concussion. Even a few bruised bones. One of those cuts were pretty deep y'know. You were in surgery for awhile."
"How long do I gotta stay?"
"Maybe a week or two just to be sure."
"You took care of everything right?"
"Don't worry. No one will be asking any questions."
"Thanks Phyllis."

"I'm not sure if that's something you should be thanking me for."

She doesn't mention the scars on my arms but I'm sure she noticed them. Even though I just woke up a little while ago I'm sleepy. It feels like I haven't slept in days. My body feels heavy and like it's been through hell and back.
"Get some sleep bud. I'll be back in a few hours to check on you."
She turns off the lights in the room and almost immediately I slip into a deep sleep.

2 weeks later..

Finally, I'm in the clear to leave. Spending time away from my dad was great but two weeks in the hospital is suffocating. And then there's Lance. I don't understand how Lance can seem so interested in me and then not come visit me even once. Not once! If all of this was some stupid joke then I'm an idiot for falling for it. I should've never spoken to him, even if I didn't say much it was a mistake. I'm never speaking to him again. Hell I'm not even going to look at him. When I get back to school, I'm changing my first period because I don't know what I'll do if I have to sit next to him for a whole year.

I stand outside of the hospital with the sun jeopardizing my pale complexion. I don't want to go home and it's Saturday so the school's closed. The park is more of a night spot. Where should I go?
Without deciding a distinct destination I begin to walk. My feet take me wherever they feel like going.
The landscape changes from familiar to a stranger and then a friend once again. I don't know where I'm going but I don't care. I do know that this feels good. Freedom. Aimlessly wondering with no boundaries. No choices hold me back. I don't care if I go right or left, up or down, forward or back. It doesn't matter. Nothing matters.

When I come back to my senses, the sun parts with the sky and the moon rises to take its place. I realize that nothing around me is familiar. Buildings tower but none with names I know. I see no one. Usually loneliness is a companion but now it's the monster in the dark. Uneasiness clouds inside me and fear begins to permeate from my skin. Where am I?
A noise sounds from behind me. A loud shriek fills the air. Clattering of something takes the space in front of me and causes me to turn around. Sounds straight from a horror flick erupt everywhere around me. Here. There. In front. Behind. Turning to every noise I find myself spinning in a 360. My heart goes on a rampage and my eyes roll in my head trying to follow my legs. Spinning, spinning. I feel so dizzy. My feet stop but my eyes don't get the message. Blurred colors and objects obscure my vision. Air breezes by me and something cold latches on to my back. My eyes flick off and darkness claims me once more.

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