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Hasaan smacked his teeth and covered his face with his pillow that early morning when he heard inmates yelling again. He could hear the assault that was taking place in the cells across from him, and winced listening to the loud grunts of the assaulters. He couldn't even sleep in peace without hearing someone be assaulted close by. He sat up in his bed and looked across the cell bars squinting to see if he could see what was going on--he couldn't. He laid back down in his bed and attempted to fall asleep, but soon his sleep was obstructed by an correctional officer who slammed his baton against his cell.

Hasaan jolted up in his bed and looked over at the C.O and frowned hating the fact that he couldn't be left alone for nothing. He had lost track of the date so he looked over at the C.O and asked him why he was paroling his cell. He told him the date. which was August 22nd and informed him that he had to meet with his therapist for his anxiety, and his psychiatrist for his PTSD. He also brought up the fact that he was skipping these meetings the past month and made sure to tell him the benefits of seeking help.

Hasaan on the other hand wasn't listening or taking any account of what was being told, due to the lack of mental health being talked about in the black community. He never would've known that his constant nightmares and panic attacks were caused by anxiety and PTSD, and he probably would've never knew if they didn't force him to meet with a psychiatrist.

He knew that the associate warden of FDC was the one that had pushed for a C.O to come an escort him, because if he was left to do it on his own, he wouldn't show up once again making the one month of skipping convert into two.

He smacked his teeth knowing that he wouldn't be left alone and stood to his feet. He slid his shower slides on and walked to the bathroom to freshen up. He took a quick shower after he brushed his teeth and went back to his cell to get dressed. Once he finished with his hygienic routine, he was escorted to his therapist office to go over his medications. Once they went over his medications and disorders, she gave him a note slip that said to stop by the nurse and so he went and they gave him the new medication. He then stopped by his Psychiatrist who had gave him another slip for medication which he picked up before he was finally done. He had a court date set for October 28th but he didn't care at all for it— he already knew what to expect and that was for the defendants of the girls to remind the jury how big of a "monster" he was.

He made his way down to the mess hall to grab some breakfast, and sat down to his regular table in the corner away from every one else. He wasn't a big fan of loud commotion and other people due to being a major introvert so he stayed mostly to himself.

"Wassup Phir?" Osama had said when he plopped down in the seat beside him.

"Wassup?" Hasaan lowly mumbled as he took a bite of whatever it was on his tray— he believed it was oatmeal but it didnt look much like it, and frankly, he didn't want to know what it was either.

𝐁𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐌 𝐁𝐎𝐘 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐕𝐈𝐕𝐎𝐑Where stories live. Discover now