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Hasaan smacked his lips as he laid awake in his bunk the following morning after the C.Os came and woke everyone up. He sat up in his bunk and stared at his wall which held pictures of him and his family, until the buzzer went off throughout the facility signaling that inmates were welcome to exit their cells. Hasaan had received his own cell upon arrival at FDC since he was considered more of the dangerous inmates.

Hasaan still could not wrap his head around the look on the jury's faces showing exactly what they thought he was—guilty. His mind drifted off to that day when everything took place— when he had murdered 3 white women.

One of the women was named Allison and she was his girlfriend of 2 years, she was 19 years old while he was 16 at the time of the incident. Allison was an abusive and manipulative woman who exploited him to two other women. She had verbally abused Hasaan and sexually abused him, and allowed her two friends to even piss on him after the abuse.

The abuse went on for a long while until something in him had snapped. Allison and her friends had made a plan to murder Hasaan and harvest his organs for a huge sum of money. They had successfully beaten him into unconsciousness, and even attempted to mutilate him until he had woken up and fought them off. He had successfully knocked the knife out of his girlfriend's hand and stabbed her before he turned to her friends whom both charged at him at full speed. They ignored Allison as she bled out and fought Hasaan only to lose their lives that night. Allison who wasn't fully dead laid there breathing quick breaths until Hasaan made her take her last one before she died.

Hasaan had evidence of abuse all over his body from burn marks to cuts, and even the indentation of the knife on his neck and still the police came that night and arrested him. They claimed the white women were beautiful and smart and made sure the media knew how perfect they were. While they tarnished his good name, and told the world how evil he was and deserved to be jailed. As a result, they had gotten what they wanted, and his freedom had went away—when they forced him onto that bus in shackles looking back at his crying mother who couldn't began to process what happened that day.

"Khaled! Shower!" said C.O Bailey slamming her baton against his cell bars making him jump.

"Coming." He mumbled as he turned to grab his wash bag and threw it over his shoulder.

He walked past an inmate who was being kicked in the gut by a gang of men— gang initiation, one of many. He shook his head as he continued the walk to the bathroom, sighing at how prison life had gotten so boring so quickly. Hasaan wasn't part or any gangs mostly because he didn't want to be, but also because he rode solo and the prison knew him very well— he struck fear into a lot of inmates and because of that he had developed the nickname Phir.

𝐁𝐎𝐓𝐓𝐎𝐌 𝐁𝐎𝐘 𝐒𝐔𝐑𝐕𝐈𝐕𝐎𝐑Where stories live. Discover now