Ch.6<Could Of Been Friends>

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The day felt different.

A very specific type of different.

Oh right! That's because it's the day that Midoriya has to meet a villain.


Midoriya sprung out of bed, he forgot. 

He forgot...

Oh god, how could he forget?

It's not that he forgot today exactly, he knows, meet Shigaraki at 3 P.M. at the arcade. What he didn't remember was that he had school.

School wasn't out until about 3, Midoriya would have to run, faster than he ever ran.

He got ready for school, like usual, trying to keep his cool.

Before he left his room he took a look at the notebook on his desk. 

'What am I going to do?'

Midoriya really wondered at this moment "What would All Might do?" except this time he could actually ask the man, but he won't.

He can't.

Not yet at least.

With a few deep breaths, Midoriya was ready to seize the day, best he could. 


"Hero work will be simmering down for awhile, so I'll need you all to really focus on your studies, actually..." Aizawa went on, a mundane tone, "We have a lot of catching up to do in many subjects."

Midoriya was grateful for this for once, just normal school work. It felt nice.

Everything seemed normal in the class, Kirishima was annoying Bakugou and Kaminari was annoying Bakugou even more. 

Mineta was staring at some of the girls too intently.

Todoroki was actually paying attention, but Midoriya swore that sometimes Todoroki was daydreaming instead.

Uraraka seemed to be looking his way but then quickly dodged and looked at the board as if she was always doing that.

It was ... great.

But Midoriya knew what he had to do, but he couldn't think of that now! If he did, imagine all the mumbling he would end up doing in the end, sharing all the details and endangering everyone.

Just get through the day, that's all. 

Take it one step at a time.


Shigaraki, regardless of having money or not, always wore the same boring clothing, except his striking red shoes, not sure why those but he liked them. His master did give it to him, but still, he received other things as well.

He cracked his back getting up from the hard surface he was laying on and threw on his boring black hoodie.

He had a plan.

All he wanted was to cause devastation, chaos, pain, it was revenge against this world. The best way was to take away all the hope people had, he needed U.A. gone, he needed the next shining beacon gone.

But who is that?

If he takes the most prestigious student, the one next to becoming a symbol of peace, then surely that will crush so many people, burn U.A's rep, and leave the heroes broken.

It didn't matter if the No.1 hero was Endeavor, he needed that type of hero who reminds the world of All Might.

That certainly wasn't Katsuki Bakugou, he seemed like a villian.

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