Ch.3 <Choking>

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Everything was falling apart.

More than just plans, but himself as well. He couldn't bare these feelings but he also wasn't going to confront them, I mean, does he ever? Such a childish person he has always been, maybe because he was never given the chance to really grow up.

Shigaraki finally stopped scratching at himself, only a bit of blood trickled down this time. He was irritated as ever. 

'Such a nightmare... how can I make it go away...'

Distracting yourself when you're a villain, a very noticeable one at that, is (usually) quite hard. Shigaraki actually envied those he worked with who didn't seem to have a problem blending with the outside world. 

Toga could literally turn into anyone with the power of her quirk. Twice always hid his identity so he was fine. He was sure no one even really knew about Spinner, or to be honest even cared. Lastly, Dabi, well... he is just as recognizable as Shigaraki but he seemed to somehow find time to always be gone doing his own thing so something has to be working for him, right?

Though some time has passed since Shigaraki has made himself noticeable in the public, his hair began to get longer and more unkempt and he seemed to do alright with covering himself with his hoodie and going to places that not many go to. Though to be honest...

He didn't fully care if someone saw him, he could easily disintegrate anyone who got in his way. 

Yet, though that was on his mind, he was really trying to get all these thoughts of failure out of his head. Maybe disintegrate a person or two, but otherwise he needed to get out.

So what should a big-time villain who, let's face it, is pretty broke, do?

The answer was easy for the geeky villain, go to the arcade.


Shigaraki hummed a tune to himself, it was a bit unpleasant to hear since his voice was always so raspy. He walked to an arcade that he use to spend some time at before any of his notorious crimes. 

"Perfect." He said to himself as he played with the coins and dollars in his pocket. 

He looked around him and saw almost no one was there, made sense, everyone had somewhere they needed to go.

He blended in well in these sorts of places. Lanky, thin, teen, unkempt hair? Yeah, perfect crowd for an arcade.

He never played many games at the arcade, not out of choice. Shigaraki was basically an expert when it came to gaming. Consoles, hand-helds, arcades, it didn't even matter the genre, Shigaraki was (in his own words) a God in almost (if not all) forms of gaming. So at a arcade, where there are various levels, he was always playing from the beginning to end and it was never that fast, even if you were "a God".

This time around, why not try something new? He looked around and saw a racing game.

"Hmm..." He knew he never tried one of those, pretty much ever. It was uncomfortable to sit on those seats since his legs were so long. 

He didn't really care this time around, uncomfortable or not. So, Shigaraki walks over to the machine and sits down, putting in his tokens. Then realizing something.

'Ah, I'm joining someone's match.'

He didn't really mind, he'll probably be amazing at this game and the poor sap by him will be embarrassed for even trying.

Shigaraki smirked at himself with this idea in his head, then it actually started to follow suit. The person by him turbo boosted into some terrible pixelated object and crashed, then just kept messing up. He even heard them mumble to them self about how they choose "manual" instead of "automatic".

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