Chapter 11: Graduation

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Luke's POV
Well today's the day, I'm finally graduation. I'm really excited and nervous all at the same time. Right now I'm in mine and Ashley's dorm getting ready. I showered early and did my hair after Ashley and I ate breakfast. She kept me giving me all these kisses and as much as I wanted her I had to get ready because Carter and I have to be there earlier to walk in and everything. Ashley helped me do my hair and combed it real nice. She gave me a few small kisses before starting to get ready herself. She's definitely teasing me because that strut in booty shorts does not just come naturally. She's amazing and I can't wait to make her mine forever.

She tied my tie for me as we finished getting ready and then I put my cap and gown on and she moved the tassel out of my face and smiled at me.

"I'm so proud of you baby. You're following your dreams and I'm with you all of the way." She smiled and kissed me.

"I'm so happy you're able to come with me to Nashville. I get to follow my dreams with the love of my life by my side." I smiled back and held her face.

I kissed her forehead and held her in my arms. I haven't been able to stop thinking about Nashville since we told our families. I was so worried her dad would be angry because in his mind I'm taking away his little girl. But I'm not letting her go anytime soon. After the ceremony both our families went out to dinner and I helped my dad pay since it was kinda expensive for two families. After dinner our families said goodbye to us and we headed back to our dorm to finish packing for Nashville since we're leaving at the end of the week. I'm really happy she's coming with me. I won't know anyone there except her and Carter for the first few days or weeks that were there . We're leaving Friday morning because my cousin already booked me a gig for Saturday night. I'm really excited but I'm super nervous too. I've only done school talent shows and little bars around the campus but never like an actual place where it's all set up for a musical act.

Kerri is my cousin and she's agreed to be my manager and help me out with getting gigs until we can find an agent to help me book shows. I'm so excited I finally get to follow my dream. I keep thinking about my brother and hope that he's proud of me for doing this instead of staying here in Georgia. He always wanted me to pursue this and even before he died said that when I did make it big he'd be the one to drive my tour bus out on the road so we'd be together. He was my best friend besides Kelly. I really miss him but I know he's lookin' down on me and Ashley.

In a few days we start our journey to the rest of lives. All my emotions filled me but the something pulled me out of my thoughts.

"Earth to Luke?" Ashley laughed as she snapped her fingers bringing me out of this trance.

"What? Sorry baby." I said as I unlocked the door.

"What we're thinking about Luke? Something's got you on edge." She replied.

"Just Nashville and a whole bunch of stuff. And I miss my brother. He always made me promise I'd go to Nashville one day." I sighed and tried not to cry. The tears just fell.

"Aww babe don't cry. I know he's proud of you. And he's probably looking down on us right now thinking that." She smiled.

"He was gonna drive my tour bus. He was gonna be on the road with me and now this. I miss him so bad." I cried into her shoulder. We laid down and I cried for what felt like hours until I finally fell asleep.

Ashley's POV
I feel so bad for Luke. I know he misses his brother a lot. I can't imagine my life without Ryan. He and Bella are my best friends just like Luke's siblings were and are to him. I can't begin to think about what his family went through. I know it would tear my family apart if that happened to me or one of my siblings. Luke is one of the strongest people I know. I have to be there for him like he's been there for me, I can't leave him when he needs me the most. I looked at the clock when I realized how late it was. Luke was passed out with his head on my shoulder. I ran my fingers through his thick brown hair as I covered us up and fell asleep myself a few minutes later.

*next morning*

I felt the sun on my cheek as I rubbed the sleep from my eyes and look down to see Luke had shifted and had one arm under my back and the other over my stomach holding my body against him. I ruffled his hair with my one hand and smiled.

"Lukey, wake up. It's morning baby." I kissed his lips fast and he groaned and shifted so he was laying on his back next to me.

"Good morning sunshine." I giggled.

"Hi baby." He smiled and kissed my nose and my forehead.

"You missed." I said.

"Huh?" He looked confused then realized it. "Oh yeah, my bad baby." He smiled and kissed my nose again and my cheek.

"You still missed." I replied.

"Oh wait now I know." He held my chin up with his hand and pulled me into him and kissed my lips real good.

"Did I get it right?" He asked as he pulled away.

"You do every time." I giggled.

He kissed me again and wrapped his arms around me even tighter as he closed his eyes again and put my his chin on top of my head.

"Luke we have to get up." I told him.

"No we don't." He whispered.

"Yeah we do if you want anymore of that today." I scolded.

He let go of me and sat up.

"That's not fair though. You always say that." He whined.

"Well I don't wanna lay here all day as great as that feels. Some people wanna go out and enjoy the day unlike you who just wants to sleep the day away." I said kinda seriously.

"Alright you made your point geez." He sighed and got up to put on some sweats.

I got up as well and put on yoga pants and one of his shirts and sweatshirts that he had given me earlier in our relationship.

"Baby you gotta stop wearing my clothes you're driving me crazy." He smirked.

"That's why I wear your clothes as often as I can when they're not dirty." I laughed.

"Yeah and you know you look sexy so you just enjoy teasing me every chance you get." He laughed too.

"I do like teasing you. It's fun for me and soon enough we'll have our own place and we can do this every day." I told him and straddled him.

"I can't wait baby. I love you so much. Um I've been thinking, when we get there, do you wanna work or do you just want to finish your college classes?" He asked.

"I don't know, I haven't really thought of that. I might want to work part time. Would you be okay with that?" I asked back.

"I think that if you want to work then you should. I don't want to stand in the way of things you want to do. You're by my side going to Nashville so I want to be by your side the same way." He smiled and kissed my cheek.

"I love you babe." I kissed his lips real good.

"I love you too baby girl." He smiled back and bit his lip.

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