Chapter 5: Christmas with the Bryan's Part 2

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Ashley's POV:
So today is Christmas eve and we're all having dinner at Luke's parents house. His family has really made me feel at home here and I almost don't wanna leave. I was helping Luke's momma make dinner and he and Tommy were out in the barn doing guy stuff. They are so close it's really nice to see them all interact. Jordan and Luke are so precious. She has Luke wrapped around his little finger and he doesn't seem to mind at all. I got Luke two really special gifts this year. He got me two as well. We decided just two so we each open one with each other's family. I got Luke so new arrows for hunting and fishing stuff and the other gift is a new watch. I hope he likes the watch. I know he'll love the outdoors stuff.

Dinner is almost done so Mama LeClaire asked me to get Luke and Tommy from the barn and that Kelly would be here any minute with Lee and Jordan. Luke and Tommy went to wash up for dinner and change clothes while I set the table for everyone and put drink pitchers on the table. A few minutes later there was a knock on the door and it was Kelly, Lee, and Jordan. I hugged them then picked Jordan up. I gave her a hug and we exchanged kisses before she ran off to play. We all sat in the living room talking and I got to know Kelly a lot better. She's really a great friend and were getting close. "Hey listen Ashley, I was wondering, well Jordan was too and she wanted me to ask, do you think she could spend the day with y'all every so often. She just adores you now." Kelly told me.

"Oh Kelly I'd love to. She's just precious I hope Luke and I have kids like her some day." Okay that came out wrong. "You really love him don't you?" She asked. I bit my lip and nodded. "Y'all are too cute. But I have to ask, did he make the first move or did you?" She questioned. "Umm well he did but I kinda helped." I laughed. "I hear that." Luke chimed in. "You're supposed to." Kelly and I both said. "Kel, stop making me blush in front of my girlfriend that's not very nice." Luke fake pouted like he was mad. "Oh hush it don't be such a baby. She's the one swooning over here." Kelly smiled. Luke and his dad looked over at me and I could feel my cheeks turning bright red at the moment. Just then I heard mama yell.

"Dinner's ready y'all." She hollered. Jordan came running in and smiled at all of us. "Mommy I wanna sit next to Uncle Luke and Ashley!" Jordan told her. "Can I Uncle Luke, please?" She begged more. "Sure honey." He lifted her up and sat her right between us. "Yay!" She smiled big. We all sat down, Luke's dad at the head of the table and Luke at the other end. Jordan was on the side of Luke and I was next to her and across from us was LeClaire, Kelly and Lee. "Luke would you like to say grace?" His daddy asked. "Uhh yeah sure." Luke replied. We all bowed our heads and Luke started. "Bless us Lord for these gifts you have placed before us. This food and the people I'm here to share it with as well the people I wish were still here but can't be. I'm grateful for it all. Amen."

"Amen." We all said. I knew the last part was about his brother Chris. We began to eat salad and other small meals before the meat was done cooking. Once we finished with the small stuff. Kelly and I helped mama clear the table and got the main food out. We put everything on the table and once everyone was seated we began to eat. Luke helped jordan cut her ham since she didn't really know how to use a knife just yet. She was all giggly and Luke kept making funny faces at me and her. She is the happiest little girl I've seen next to Bella. I think her and Bella would get along well. Maybe if Luke and I are together for a while they can meet. I can't wait for her to see Luke this week.

She'll be so excited to see him. I haven't told anyone from my family that I'm brining Luke so after dinner tonight I'm gonna text my mom and let her know but not to tell daddy. He'll be mean if I tell him. There was a lot of food for dinner tonight, more than I was expecting. "Anyone up for desert?" Mama LeClaire asked. "I'm stuffed but is there any coffee?" I replied. "Sure sweetie I'll start the pot for us." She smiled and went into the kitchen. Kelly and I, along with Luke this time helped clear the table but his mom insisted on doing the dishes. I went back into the living room and Jordan was laying down with her head in Kelly's lap. "Come on Jor, I think it's time for bed for you." Lee said. "But I'm not tired." She yawned.

Luke's POV:
"Jor you can barely keep your eyes open. The faster you get to sleep, the faster the morning will come." I told her. She nodded and stood up with my help. "Uncle Luke will you carry me?" She asked sleepily. I picked her up and she quickly rested her head on my shoulder. I walked up to the room momma set up for her and laid her down on the bed. Kelly made her change before dinner so I just tucked her in. I put an extra blanket over her because Kelly was saying how she gets cold sometimes even when it's warm out. I used to be the same way. I rubbed her cheek and gave her one last kiss then turned off the light. "Goodnight baby girl." I whispered. She stirred but didn't say anything or wake up. I closed the door partially so we didn't wake her up with any noise. The rest of us stayed up and wrapped gifts. Ashley insisted on being in a different room from me because she had to wrap my gift and wanted to make sure I didn't see it. She is so cute I can't begin to understand how I got so damn lucky this time. She's the cutest, sweetest girl ever. One things for sure I gotta marry this girl some day. We all finished up wrapping gifts and finally went to bed.

*next morning*

I woke up the next morning and rubbed the sleep out of my eyes. I looked at the clock and it was about 8 am. I looked down and saw Ashley snuggled into my chest and that I had my arms around her. I tried to get up without waking her up but that failed. "Merry Christmas handsome." "Merry Christmas baby girl." I smiled and kissed her nose and then her lips. When I pulled away she was biting her lip. "Please don't do that I already wanna get you alone, if you keep doing that I won't be able to control myself." I begged her.

I began to kiss her more but we were interrupted by the door opening. "Uncle Luke get up its Christmas!" Jordan squealed. "I know. Merry Christmas princess." We rubbed noses again like we always do and she climbed on the bed with us. "Come y'all breakfast is ready." We all went downstairs and ate breakfast. Momma had made french toast with sausage and bacon. That's my other favorite breakfast. After we ate, all us adults got some coffee and swapped a few gifts. We all watched Jordan open hers first. And her smile got bigger after each one. I had bought her present a while ago so when I wrapped it I just put Ashley's name with mine.

Ash was sitting on my lap and we were all sipping on coffee. She insisted that I open my present first so I did. She got me a new hunting sweatshirt and some new arrows. Woah this girl knows how to shop for me. "Thank you baby. I love all of this." I smiled and she laid her head on my shoulder. My momma and daddy opened theirs and so did Kelly and Lee. "Alright now it's time to open yours Ash." I got up and got her present from under the tree. "Here you go baby. I hope you like it." She smiled at me and began to open it. She saw the velvet box and looked at me. I nodded for her to open it and her jaw dropped. "Aww Luke this is so pretty." She smiled. "Can I put it on you?" I asked.

She nodded and gave me it. I got her a necklace with a heart shaped locket. She turned around and moved her soft hair out of the way. I put it on her and she turned to face me. "Thank you Luke it's beautiful." She smiled at me. I kissed her cheek and wrapped my arms around her. We spent the rest of the day relaxing at the house and helping momma when she needed it with dinner. She was cooking a classic Christmas ham with potatoes, corn, etc.. My momma is the best cook, I'm glad her food is always free. We said grace again and had dinner. It was delicious as always. Ashley and I decided to stay the night and leave in the morning much to Jordan's dismay.

After dinner and desert Kelly, Lee, and Jordan all headed home. She was real sad but I promised her we'd be back for New Year's Eve and that made her smile. Ashley and I got ready for bed and went up to my old room. I again put a couple extra blankets on and when I got in bed she was already fast asleep. This was a great first Christmas with my baby girl.

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