Chapter 12: Nashville

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Luke's POV
Today is the day we're moving up to Nashville from Georgia and I'm nervous and excited all at the same time. Ashley and I have been packing like crazy so we were ready to leave today. We're going to both our families homes today to say goodbye before we head up. My dad and I already put a down payment on an apartment in the heart of Nashville a few weeks ago so we won't have to worry about finding a place when we get there. Right now I'm putting the last of our things in the bed of my truck and we're going to my parent's house first to say our goodbyes.

When we pulled into the drive way everyone was outside. Mama, daddy, Kelly was holding their baby girl Kris and Lee was holding Jordan's hand. I turned the truck off and we walked over. Jordan ran up to me, grabbed onto my leg and soon I felt tear stains on my jeans. I knelt down to her level and wiped her tears away with my thumb. "Uncle Luke why do you have to go?" She cried.

"Jor I have to. I can't stay. But I'll come visit real soon okay baby? Nothing can keep me away from you forever." I told her.

She wrapped her arms around my neck and nuzzled her face into my neck. I hugged her tight and didn't wanna let go. When I pulled away I wiped another tear from her eye and smiled at her. I gave her a quick peck on the cheek before standing up. I told her to be good and that I'd call the house when I got settled up there which seemed to calm her down a little bit. After we said our final goodbyes, we got in my truck and headed to her parent's house.

When we got to her parent's house I turned the truck off and looked over at her.

"It's not goodbye, it's just see you later." I told her.

She nodded and smiled wiping a single tear from her cheek. I think it's harder for her because she's never really left home and if she did she could come home whenever she wanted. It won't be like that anymore when we get up there but I'm always gonna be there for her no matter what. The one thing I have to do before we leave her parent's house is ask her dad if it's okay that I marry her whether it's this year or in 5 years. I wanna make sure he approves now because you never know what can happen. Ashley went to the truck after saying her final goodbyes so I took this opportunity to talk to her so I walked up to him.

"Can I ask you something real quick?" I asked.

"Sure son what's on your mind?" He asked back.

"Listen uhh, I really love y'all's daughter so I was hoping that when the time is right, I could have your blessing to ask her to marry me?" I froze after that.

He smiled and said, "Boy I couldn't think of anything better than that. You just treat her right and keep her safe up there." He smiled at me.

"Ahh man thank you. I promise I'll take care of your daughter she's my world." I smiled back and shook his hand.

After that I said my final goodbyes and went to the truck. Ashley scooted closer to me and leaned her head on my shoulder. I kissed the top her of her head and continued driving.

"What were you talking to my dad about before?" She asked.

"I had to ask him a question." I answered.

"About what though?" She questioned.

"You." I answered simply.

She seemed to like that answer and stayed quiet for a while until I noticed she was asleep. We went through a couple tolls and a couple hours later we were in Nashville. When I pulled up to the apartment complex I saw she was still asleep. I shook her a little and kissed her cheek.

"Come on baby wake up." I whispered.

"Carry me." She rubbed her eyes and smirked a little.

I sighed knowing that was the only way I would get her to the apartment so I grabbed onto her and she wrapped her arms around my neck while nuzzling her head into the crook of my neck. I carried her up to the door and put her down so I could unlock the door and then I helped her inside. My dad and I had already gotten furniture and we went up a few weekends ago to make sure everything got there. There were already sheets on the bed so once I closed the door and locked it up for the night, I helped her to bed. She kicked off her shoes and crawled under the covers. Soon enough she was asleep. I stripped down to my boxers and crawled into bed with her. I set my alarm for 7:30 because I have to go to a meeting at a studio downtown.

*the next morning*

I groaned as my alarm went off and hit the snooze button and slowly got up not to wake up Ashley. I went to the kitchen and turned on the coffee maker so it would be ready to brew by the time I'm done in the shower. I turned the shower on and took a minute to let the hot water relax my muscles. My shoulders are tensed up from driving all day to get here yesterday. When I got done in the shower I put my jeans on and noticed I forgot to grab a shirt. I put my belt on and walked out of the bathroom shirtless. When I walked back to the bedroom, the bed was empty and Ashley was nowhere to be seen.

"Ash?" I yelled out.

"In the kitchen." She hollered back as I found a shirt and walked into the kitchen.

I walked in and saw her pouring two cups of coffee for us. Her back was turned and I noticed she was only wearing a cut off shirt and some gym shorts. I went up behind her and wrapped my arms around her waist. She jumped at first then relaxed again.

"Good morning princess. Did I wake you?" I asked.

"No. I woke up shortly after you and then I heard the shower running so I figured I would brew the coffee for when you're done." She explained.

"Thank you baby," I kissed her cheek and tapped her nose. "Listen I have to go to a meeting at a studio downtown. Do you wanna come with me or do you want to wait we can do something after?" I asked.

"I think I'll stay here and try to unpack some things." She replied.

"Okay sweetheart. I gotta get going." I said as I pulled my boots on.

I grabbed a sweatshirt out of my duffel bag and grabbed my hat and keys. Just before I left I went up to Ashley one last time and kissed her goodbye.

"Bye baby I love you." I said to her.

"I love you too Thomas Luther." She smirked.

"You'll pay for that later." I winked before leaving.

I walked down to the parking lot and saw a note on the windshield of my truck. I grabbed the note from under the wipers and read it: Looks like you finally moved on. That wasn't the smartest decision though.

I thought to myself about who would leave something like this. I couldn't think of anyone so I just ignored it and went on my way to downtown and arrived at a place called Capitol Records. I hope this goes well. When I got out of my truck I put my sweatshirt on and grabbed my keys, phone, and my wallet before heading to the lobby. I wasn't sure where to go then I saw the reception desk.

"Hi hun what I can do for you?" She asked cheerfully.

"Hi uh I'm here to see Jeff Stevens the producer. We set up an appointment for today a little while back." I told her nicely.

She smiled and nodded, "Oh you must be Luke right?"

I nodded and replied, "Yep that's me. Is he here?"

"Yep just let me call and make sure he's ready for you."

She called him on the phone at her desk and smiled at me as she hung up.

"Take the elevator to the 4th floor he'll be waiting for you with Kerri." She smiled.

"Thanks darlin." I waved as I walked to the elevator. God I hope this goes well.

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