Chap. 3: Love in a College Town

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Luke's POV:
These last couple months at school have actually been great. Ashely and I are obviously together. We have been getting so close, I think I'm going to see if she wants to come with me for the weekend. I want mama and daddy to meet her. Plus I'm sure if I call her, Kelly can bring the kids. I'm sure Jordan would love her. I also want her to move into my dorm with me but I don't wanna rush things. She's coming to my room after her last class so I think I'll talk to her about that when she gets here. As I continued to think about her and our future there was a knock on the door that pulled me out of my thoughts. I walked over to the door and it wasn't who I was expecting. "Christina what are you doing here? I told you we're over." I said sternly. "Luke I came to apologize, I never should've broken up with you. I came now to get you back." She smiled and tried to hug me but I backed away. "Don't even try. I have a girlfriend." "Luke please, just give me another chance." She begged. "I said no."

I tried to close the door but she stopped it. "Can't you just leave?" I kinda yelled. "No. I love you and I honestly want you back. I need you." She pleaded. "I think he told you to leave." Someone said from the hallway. I peaked my head out the door to see Ashley wearing jeans, boots and my sweatshirt I had given her on our first date. "Hi baby." I smiled, went over and kissed her. When I pulled away she kept me in a side hug with arm across me. I put my arm over her shoulder and kissed the side of her head. "Leave Luke alone. You had your chance and you ruined it. We're happy so just stay away." Ashley said calmly. "Fine, whatever, I'll just get back with Jake." She sighed and walked away. "You do that honey." Ashley laughed.

Ashley's POV:
I was going from class to class all day and I don't feel good at all. I shouldn't have worn jeans and boots today. I wish I had sweats or yoga pants on right now. That would make all the difference in the world. The good thing is that after I'm done with my finance class I'm going straight to Luke's dorm to be with him. I'm wearing his sweatshirt he gave me on our first date and it's sooo comfy. Why do boys get to have all the comfy clothes? That's not fair but oh well. Finally the professor dismissed us and I walked to our dorm building. When I got the hallway where his room was, I heard him talking to this other girl but it sounded like she's his ex. Oh this should be good, I thought. I walked close enough to hear them without getting noticed. He was really mad and trying to get her to leave. Finally I was bored waiting so I said, "I think he told you to leave." After a little more arguing she finally took her ugly ass in the other reaction. Luke noticed immediately that I didn't feel good and he helped me get under the covers in his bed. He's such a sweetheart. I smiled to myself as I dozed off.

Luke's POV:
Christina glared at her for a minute before finally leaving. Ashley and I walked into my dorm and she put her bag on the floor by my bed. She plopped down on the bed and laid down. That's weird. Normally she's all cheerful and stuff. "Baby what's wrong?" I asked her. "I don't know. I'm not feeling that good. I might be getting sick." She sighed. She looked a little pale. I helped her get under the covers and felt her forehead. "Baby you feel a little warm. I think you have a fever." I said. She sighed. "Luke will you rub my back for a little bit?" She asked quietly. "Sure baby." I nodded. She rolled into her side I rubbed her back with one hand while playing with her hair with my other hand. After a few minutes I noticed she was asleep. I kissed her cheek and covered her up with a few extra blankets.

I got off the bed without waking her and found some soup in the cabinet. I made enough for both of us and looked over to see her still sleeping. She looked so peaceful that I almost didn't want to wake her up but she has to eat sometime. I decided to take a picture of her real quick. Then I walked over and sat on the bed. I shook her a little bit and kissed her cheek. "Baby wake up." I whispered. "What?" She groaned. "Come have some soup. You have to eat sweet girl." I told her. She rolled over so she was laying on her back and looked up at me. I caressed her cheek and she smiled. "Come eat before it gets cold." I motioned. She slowly got up and walked a few feet over to the couch. I handed a her a bowl and said, "Careful it's hot." She half smiled and pushed her hair behind her ear.

She had some soup and smiled a little more. "Did that help?" I asked. She nodded and finished. I'm gonna make hot chocolate. You want some baby?" She smiled and nodded more. "Yeah I love hot chocolate." She replied. I put a pot of water on the small stove and a few minutes later it was done. I made Ashley's first and gave it to her then made mine. "Do you have marshmallows?" She asked. I looked in the cabinets and found a bag of big ones. When she saw it she was happy. I had one in my hand and the bag of the rest in the other. She went to grab for the bag but I pulled it away. "Open up." I smiled. She opened her mouth and I left the marshmallow at the edge of her mouth. She giggled as she ate it. I kissed the side of her head and put some in her cup. I put some in my cup too and put the bag away.

"I'll remember this for winter." I smirked. "Luke can I stay the night?" She asked and bit her lap. "Of course princess, I didn't want you to be alone anyway since your sick. I gotta take care of my baby." I smiled, cupped her face in my hand and kissed her forehead. "Love you." She whispered. "I love you too baby."

*a few days later*

Ashley is finally feeling better and I'm taking her out to go to a movie she's been dying to see. I think it's a chick flick but oh well, I'll do anything to keep my baby happy.

We went to see the movie and after I took her back to my place. When we got back we were cuddling on my bed. "Hey baby I've been thinking." I said. "What about?" She asked. "Well I don't wanna rush anything so I was just wondering, would you like to come back to Leesburg with me for part of Christmas break?" I asked. She smiled. "Aww of course baby. Are you sure they like me though?" She asked. "Of course sweetie. I've told my mama and my sister Kelly all about you." I smiled. Yes! She said yes! This is gonna be the best Christmas ever!!!

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