Chapter 2: Date Night

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Luke's POV:
Holy crap I can't believe she said yes! I decided that I would take her on a little picnic near the Flint River. After I left her, I walked back to my dorm and tried to figure out what to wear. Finally I decided I would wear so nice jeans, my boots, a v-neck tshirt and one of my 33 bridge hats. I know her dorm room so I'm gonna go there when it gets closer to 6. I can't believe I forgot to ask for her number! I'm such an idiot in front of girls! I have to get her number tonight! Finally it started to near 6pm. I made sure I had everything, my phone, my wallet, and two jackets in case we get cold. I grabbed my key and left the dorm. I walked down the hall to her dorm and knocked on the door. When she opened it, my jaw dropped.

Ashley's POV:
When Luke left I started getting ready. I got in the shower, washed my hair and the rest of my body then shaved so my skin would be soft. After I got out I put lotion on my skin and put some sweats on as I tried to figure out what to wear. I decided I would wear some Jean shorts with flip flops since it isn't that cold yet and a cute tank top I found. After that I blow dried my hair and then straightened it. I sprayed a little hair spray and left my hair down. Soon enough I heard a knock on the door and looked at my phone as I finished putting on some make up. "Just a minute!" I yelled. I did the finishing touches and went to the door. Of course I knew it was Luke. When he saw me, his jaw dropped. I just laughed.

"Close your mouth before you catch flies." I told him. He snapped out of his trance and just blushed. "Sorry, I didn't mean to stare. You just-you look really pretty tonight." He replied. "Thanks Luke. You look nice too." "You ready to go?" He asked. "Yeah I think so." I looked around to make sure I didn't forget anything and noticed that my phone and my key were still on my desk. I grabbed both and then went back to Luke. He grabbed my hand and our fingers intertwined. We walked out to the parking lot and over to his truck. He opened the door for me and then got in himself on the other side. I'm surprised he seems this nervous around girls. Maybe I'll ask him about that later, I thought.

"So what's a pretty girl like you to do for fun?" He asked. Aww he's so cute. "Well not a whole lot. I like some shopping but I'm not obsessed, during the summer I go fishing a lot. I take my little brother and sister out on the lake near our house." I explained. I could see him smiling. "Well maybe you and I can go fishing together sometime." He replied. "Yeah I'd like that." I smiled back. "So how old are your siblings?" He asked. "Oh well Ryan is about 14 and Bella is the youngest, she's 8. Do you have any siblings?" I asked back. His smiled disappeared. I think a struck a nerve. "Yeah I-I have an older sister, Kelly, she's married and had my first little niece Jordan." He perked up. So his siblings is a touchy subject but he has a niece, that's cute I thought. "Aww that's great. I bet she always smiles when she sees you." I giggled.

"Haha yeah, she's a happy little Georgia peach. Kelly gets mad because I tend to spoil her when I go over their house." He smiled. We turned into a dirt road and he smiled more. "It ain't a 5 star restaurant but I hope you like it." He half smiled. "Sounds nice." I replied. We came to a stop and he turned the engine off. He came over to my side and helped me out. After that he opened the tailgate and grabbed a basket and a blanket. We sat under the big tree next to the lake, it was perfect. "Luke this is beautiful." I smiled. "R-really you like it?" His face lit up. Our eyes met but he looked away and it seemed like he was getting mad at himself. "Luke what's wrong?" I asked.

"I can't even take you out on a date without making a total idiot out of myself. I get so shy around girls and then I keep stuttering and stuff like I have been with you the whole night. I like you okay. I'm sorry." He looked down. "Luke calm down, I don't wanna go back yet. I, I like you too. And don't worry about stuttering and stuff, I thought it was cute that you were all nervous. I'm just another girl at this college." I told him and rubbed his arm. "I'm just, I haven't had a real relationship since...." He trailed off. "Since what?" I asked. "Umm the last girl I dated. We'll see we were together for a while and then I found out she cheated on me so I broke up with her. It was hard for me because I really thought we cared about each other." He looked down.

"Aww Luke I'm sorry. That's horrible. Well she's a bitch for not wanting you. Any girl would be lucky to have you as a boyfriend. Even me." I smiled. He smiled at me. "So will you, you know be my girlfriend?" He asked. "Yes." I nodded. "Great because now I can do this." He lifted my chin, leaned in and kissed me. Damn he's a good kisser, I thought. I kissed back. Suddenly it was windy and I got really cold. "Do you want a sweatshirt? I brought an extra for you." He told me. "Yeah, thanks." I smiled. He ran to the truck and opened the back door. I saw him grab the sweatshirts and walk back. "Here baby." He handed me his Georgia Bulldogs football sweatshirt. I pulled it over my head and it was huge on me but I liked that. He put on a camo sweatshirt and asked, "Do you wanna get out of here?" He asked. I nodded.

Luke's POV:
I can't believe she likes me. I feel like a total idiot. After it started getting windy she wanted to go back so I cleaned up everything and put the blanket in my toolbox for safe keeping in case we do this again sometime. I helped her into my truck then got in myself. When we got on the main road she slid over and wrapped her arms around mine. She had her head on my shoulder and after a while she was asleep. I pulled into the parking lot not too long after and turned the truck off. I got out and went to her side. I carried her bridal style to her room. While walking in, I turned on the light.

Ashley's POV:
We got in the truck and next thing I knew I'm being carried. I guess I fell asleep. Luke must have some nice muscles. Not that I weigh a lot but you get the point. I heard the door open and he laid me on my bed. When he pulled the covers over me I grabbed his arm and opened my eyes. "Luke stay. Please?" I asked. "Let me grab a pair of sweats. Let me go get some and I'll be right back okay?" He said. I nodded. He ran out the door and a few minutes later he came back. I saw him take off his jeans and put his sweats on and take off his shirt. Damn he's hot. My eyes grew heavy and the last thing I remember was his arms covering me as he got in bed. This was a great night.

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