Chapter 10: Telling the Families; Part 2

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Ashley's POV
So today we left Luke's parent's house and we are on the way now to tell my family the news. All Luke keeps talking about is how nervous he is and that he hopes my daddy doesn't kill him for taking me away. Truthfully I was thinking the same thing. My family is very important to me but Luke is just as important as them and if this is what he wants to do then I'm going to support him through it all. Even if it means late, sleepless nights and ordering take out 4 times a week. It's so cute how Luke always wants my family's approval. I know Bella adores him and Ryan seems to like him too so it's really just my parents that might not like this idea. As I kept thinking we finally arrived at my parent's house. Luke pulled up and turned the truck off , came around to get me and we made our way to the door.

I opened the door with my house key and walked in kicking off my boots by the front door. Luke kept his on though.

"Momma? Were here!" I yelled.

That's when I heard footsteps upstairs and soon enough I saw Bella with Ryan behind her. She ran down the stairs and engulfed me in a hug.

"Sissy!" She squealed.

"Hello princess did ya miss us?" I asked and she nodded.

"Yeah! Hi Uncle Wuke!" She squealed. It's hard to say his name because she lost a tooth at the front of her mouth. I guess he's Uncle Luke now. I hope everything continues to be like this.

"Hi baby how are you? Are you being good sweet pea?" He asked her sweetly.

She nodded vigorously and hugged his legs.

"Yeah! Are you and Ashley staying for a while?" She asked.

"Not this time baby. We have something to tell y'all. Now where's your mommy and daddy?" He asked her.

She held her hand out for him to take and she started walking into the kitchen forcing him to follow her. He looked back at me and I smiled before following them. Mom and dad were sitting at the kitchen table talking when Bella walked in with Luke, me following close behind. "Daddy, Luke and Ashley are here! Mommy they're back!" She clapped. Then Ryan came in. "Yeah munchkin I missed you too much to stay away." He told her and kissed her cheek.

"But actually uh Ashley and I have something to tell y'all." He continued and looked at me.

I came over and grabbed his hand.

"Uh yeah that's right." I said.

Luke's POV
I've never been so nervous when talking to people.

"Uh well, I don't know if I told you all but I graduate this spring. And when I do, I'm leaving Georgia, moving up to Nashville to pursue my singer career and well," I trailed off.

Ashley grabbed my hand, "And I've decided that I'm going to go with him. I love Luke and before y'all say anything I want you to know that this doesn't mean I'm quitting school. I'm gonna transfer or do online classes." She finished.

Her parents looked at us, both with blank expressions on their faces.

"So you're leaving?" Her brother Ryan asked, breaking the silence.

Ashley nodded in response, "Yeah buddy, Luke and I love each other and we don't wanna be far away from each other."

I looked at him and he looked kinda mad.

"I'll be right back." He said and got up and stormed out.

Ashley started to get up but I stopped her and said, "Let me go. I'm the reason he's mad, just let me try first, okay?"

She smiled and nodded before I kissed her cheek and walked upstairs to his room. I took a breath before knocking on his door.

"What?" He yelled through the door.

"Can I come in?" I asked.

I heard the door unlock so I figured that means that I'm allowed to go in so I opened the door and he was sitting at his desk.

"I'm sorry we kinda sprung this on you guys. I know it kinda shocked all of you." I said.

"I'm just used to having Ash around all the time and at least with college she's in driving distance. She's my big sister how did you expect me to react?" He replied.

"I'm sorry buddy. I understand you're mad at me." I looked down, I really did feel bad about making him upset.

"I know I'll get used to it but it's hard. It's just. She's always been there for me. I'm just gonna miss her a lot you know?" He explained.

"Oh totally I get it. I have an older sister and we are really close. I can see that with you and Ashley. Same as me and my sister Kelly." I told him.

"Yeah. I'm sorry I ran out like that. They're not mad are they?" He asked worriedly.

"No it's alright. Ashley was gonna come talk to you but I figured we could have a guy talk. You know, man to man kinda thing." I laughed.

"Thanks Luke." He nodded and smiled.

"Anytime buddy. And hey if you ever need anything you can always call. And I'll take you huntin or fishin when we come home for holidays." I answered.

"You mean that?" Ryan's face lit up.

"Definitely. So you ready to go downstairs now?" I asked.

He nodded and we walked out of his room my arm over his shoulder. He's practically my little brother so might as well start acting like it now. We walked into the dining room and Ryan apologized before sitting back down. We all finished eating and then Ashley spoke up.

"So Ry are you okay with this? Bella?" She asked her siblings.

"Yeah I think I'm on board with this." Ryan answered.

"What about you Bella bug? Are you okay with me living with Luke?" Ashley asked her little sister.

"You're coming back though right?" Bella asked and almost had tears in her eyes.

I went over and picked her up and she looked at me.

"Bella I promise baby, we will come back for all your birthdays and for all the holidays. Don't be upset princess, please? We'll be back before you know if and I promise we can video chat all you want okay?" I told her.

"You promise Uncle Wuke?" She questioned.

Ashley's POV
"Pinky promise baby. I can't leave with my little princess upset." And he latched his pinky with hers and kissed her cheek.

He kissed her cheek, put her down and we had some snacks after dinner. Bella began to yawn and I laughed.

"Come on Bella bug. Luke and I will tuck you in. You look sleepy." I smiled.

She walked over to Luke and held her arms out for him. He picked her up and she had her little arms wrapped around his neck with her head laid on his shoulder.

We walked upstairs to her room and I helped her change into her pj's. We both told her goodnight and kissed her cheek before turning the light off and walking out. Ryan also went to bed and since we would be gone in the morning we said goodbye to him. I have him a sisterly hug and he and Luke shook hands. Such a guy thing I thought. We said goodbye to mom and dad decided to drive back tonight because it wasn't that far. I'm so happy they're okay with this.

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