Chapter 13: Record Deal

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(Same day the last chapter ended with)
Ashley's POV
Luke left for his meeting with the label. He offered for me to come along but decided not to in hopes of unpacking things for the apartment. I was looking through some of the boxes to see what there was and I came across labeled family photos in Luke's handwriting. My curiosity got the best of me so I opened the box and looked through some of the pictures. I came across a picture of a young Luke with who I'm guessing was Kelly and his brother Chris before he passed away. I looked on the back and saw the date. Luke was 6 in this picture. Aww what a cutie he was. After looking at a few more pictures I put all of them back in the box. We had furniture set up so I worried more about the small stuff: hanging pictures up, putting things on the shelves around our bed room and living room, etc..

Luke's POV
So I'm walking to the office for this meeting and the nerves are totally getting to me. I saw the name on the door and took a few deep breaths before knocking. Not a minute later, Jeff Stevens, the producer for Capitol Records opened the door.

"Hey, you must be Luke." He said.

"Yes sir that's me. Nice to meet you." I nodded.

"Just call me Jeff, sir makes me feel older." He laughed.

"Alright Jeff it is." I smiled.

"So Luke, I hear you sing pretty well. Do you have any songs recorded already?" He asked.

"No sir..I mean Jeff, sorry, uhh I haven't the chance to record anything yet but I'd like to." I replied.

"How bout right now?" He asked.

My mouth kinda dropped when he asked that question. "You mean like go into the sound booth right now this minute?"

"That's right. If you can sing I wanna hear it for myself." He explained.

"Yeah sure." I smiled and shook his hand. "I can't believe this wow."

He got up from behind his desk in the office and I followed him down another hallway where they had a recording room and a sound board.

"Man this is awesome." I smiled.

"I thought you'd like it. Well get it there. Do you have the music recorded?" He asked.

"Oh yeah, it's right here." I said handing him a cd.

I walked into the recording booth and put on the headphones as the music started playing. (think of the music being Do I and that's the song he sings for this)

I started singing and the by the end of the song I felt totally comfortable with this whole idea. I took the headphones off and places them on the stand and walking to where the sound board. Jeff was smiling pretty big when I walked into the room. "Man that was awesome. You should've started singing sooner." He told me. That was a nice compliment to hear from someone other than Ashley.

"Thank you that means a lot coming from a guy in the business." I smiled back.

"I think you're exactly the type of artist this label needs. Why don't you come by tomorrow or sometime soon and we'll draw up a contract and everything." He suggested.

"Thank you so much. This means the world. Would it be okay if I bring my girlfriend? She's at our apartment right now getting settled in. We just moved up here a few days ago." I told him.

"Oh sure I'd love to meet her." He replied.

"Oh great! So I guess I'll see you tomorrow then?" I confirmed.

"Sounds good to me. I'm sure we'll become good friends. You have a good day Luke." He told me and he walked me to the door of his office.

I thanked him one more time and headed down to the lobby. The receptionist gave me a weird look and smiled, "Bye Luke." And then she waved at me trying to flirt.

I took one look at her and said, "I have a girlfriend, bye have a good day."

I looked back and saw her with a mad face and laughed as a I walked back to my truck. I decided to get some nice wine on the way home to celebrate. After I went to the liquor store to buy a bottle of wine I headed straight home to see my baby. When I got home I saw a light on in our apartment so I guess the power is on. We hadn't been home enough to turn it on yet so I guess Ashley took care of that today. I love her so much I can't wait to marry her someday. I walked up to our apartment and opened the door with my key. When I walked in I put my keys on the table by the door and my jaw dropped at the sight of what she had done. She unpacked most of our stuff and I saw that all the kitchen appliances up and running.

I opened the fridge and saw that it was filled with food and when I walked into the bedroom I saw it covered with a bedspread and sheets and covers and pillows. Okay I definitely owe her. I walked back to the living room and saw her passed out on the couch in one of my sweatshirts. I walked over to the couch and sat next to her. "Baby. Wake up." I whispered. She stirred but didn't open her eyes. I decided to do the one thing I knew would work. I leaned down, kissed her real good, and soon enough she kissed back. As much as I didn't want to stop, I pulled out and smiled at her. "Hi baby." I smiled.

"Hey handsome." She giggled back.

"I can't believe you did all this today." I said as I looked around.

"Yeah it took a while. How did your meeting go?" She asked.

"Me and the producer really hit it off and he wants me to come by and sign stuff tomorrow or in the next few days." I told her smiling ear to ear.

"Oh my god Luke! I'm so proud of you!" She pulled me on top of her and hugged me. I smiled, kissed her then flipped us so she was on top of me.

"Do you want some wine? I picked some up on the way home to celebrate." I told her.

"Sure I'll get some glasses out." She told me as she got up.

I whistled at her as she walked away.

"Don't want what you can't have." She hollered.

"We'll see about that." I smirked.

I popped the cork off the bottle and she grabbed two glasses and brought them to the living room where I was sitting on the couch. She sat down next to me and I popped the bottle open before pouring 2 glasses for us. I held my glass up and thought about what to say. "Here's to...getting lucky enough to get a record deal the first time I met with a label, to hopefully making it big and to having the most amazing girl in the entire world to go on this journey with me. I love you baby." I finished and quickly kissed her lips.

"I love you too. I'm so happy for you Luke." She told me.

Ashley's POV
He kissed me again and it started to go a little further than normal. Just as he was about to go for my shirt I pulled away. "Luke I'm sorry but I don't think tonight is a good night for this." I said.

"It's okay baby. We don't have to. I just missed you a lot today. I'm really happy you can come with me to the next meeting." He smiled.

"Me too I'm excited." I told him.

"Maybe we should just go to bed. You look exhausted. Plus you did a lot today." He kissed my forehead before leading me to our now furnished and decorated bedroom. I wanted to just go to bed in my close but he wouldn't let me. "Baby lift your arms up." He said.

I held my arms up and he pulled my shirt off and put his over my head. I took my jeans off and Luke gave me some gym shorts to change into. He took his shirt off and changed out of his jeans into sweats. I pulled the covers back and we both got in bed. Luke wrapped his arms around me and kissed my cheek before turning the light off and saying, "Goodnight baby girl I love you." He kissed my cheek.

"Goodnight Luke I love you too." I replied as I drifted off to sleep.

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