Chapter 1 Corain

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Why is it that nearly every friggin summer they have to  come? Like I really don't understand it. They claim that they don't like each other and yet every single time they have a ball. Almost like they don't talk about each their behind their backs.

" Cori!" Mom yells from the bottom of the stairs

"Coming!" I yell back as I slide my boot on

As I open my door I run straight into my older brother Shade. Our parents named him after our uncle Shade Barrow, and me after our grandmother Coriane Jacos.

"Hey, dumb dumb." He says with a laugh and ruffles my hair.

"Saints, stop it you know I hate it when you do that." I say slapping his hand from my head with one hand and and smoothing my hair back with the other.

Much like our father, we both have black hair and red brown eyes. Except where Shade got dad's height I got mom's shortness. Yay me!

We both rush down the stairs together like we always do, only to find mom and dad makin out in the friggin kitchen.

"Eww gross! Man, do you guys realize that people eat in here? Your children specifically? Gross. Get a stinkin' room!" Shade says turning around and pouting.

Mom and dad untangle themselves laughing. It's gross, but sweet at the same time. I love seeing them get close like that but sometimes they go a little overboard.

We all sit down at the table while mom places the bowls and plates filled with eggs, bacon, sausages, and pancakes, and I smile to myself with pleasure.

But apparently mom only started getting good at cooking a few years back, but hey, at least she's good now right? And plus dad helps a lot of the time too, he was always, secretly, better though. But anyway, go mom!

"What are you two going to do today?" Dad asks

Man he knows how much I hate that question. He knows I have always had trouble making friends and or keeping them. And he knows how much it angers me when asks that infuriating question, because since it's so hard for me to make friends, I usually just chill in my room all day with a book in my lap. Or I read somewhere else like outside or something. And on a rare day I'll even go to grandma and grandpas house, or aunt Gisa's or uncle Tramy's or uncle Bree's or uncle Kilorn and aunt Cameron's. Hey, there's one friend! Tristan Warren, son of Kilorn and Cameron Warren. He's sweet, playful, and got his dads sense of humor. And unfortunately, got his mother's rude mouth too. But he only gets that way when someone gets on his nerves or something like that.

"Nothing much I'll probably just go play a game of basketball with a few friends." Shade says interrupting my thoughts.

"Ok, and what about you Cori? Got any plans?" Mom asks gently.

She asked it gently, because she knows how sensitive I am about this kind of thing and is acknowledging it. I think pointedly at father.

"I'm not sure yet. I might go to Kilorn's to hang with Tris." I answer.

And she seems satisfied because she says, "Well good, it's nice for you to get out of the house every now and then."

I nod, agreeing with her. And apparently no one has anything else to say, because we all finish the rest of our breakfast in silence, other than the occasional screech of a fork on a plate or the slurp of someone taking a sip of their orange juice.

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