Chapter 7 Alexander

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My brothers a complete and utter full. An embarrassment, really, he can't do or get anything right. Sometimes I think he's a bit slow in the head.

Poor, poor, idiotic little brother. Looks like Lewi doesn't understand who he's playing with anymore. Back at home, he was the big dog. Here, he's the underdog. And hopefully, he'll come to find that out soon, because if he doesn't he'll definitely regret it in the end. You see, he's used to getting what he wants, whenever he wants, wherever he wants, and daddy always gets it for him, no matter what. And that's just what I don't quite understand, what I can't quite grasp.

Our father, from the beginning, has always taught us not to be reliant on others. Because they'll always disappoint you, or betray you in some way, or some bull shit like that.

And yet, here we are.

My brother, at the feet of another boy, gasping and coughing and choking for and on air like a fish out of water. Doing everything our father taught us not to do.

Being brought lower than he is.

Idiots. All of them.

"Dad?" Raylynn says all of a sudden coming away from me to stand by her father.

I had almost completely forgot that she was standing right there. Although, I don't know how, she is by far the most beautiful creature to walk the planet. What with her flowing chestnut brown hair, and aquamarine eyes that brighten everything. And then her shy but fierce attitude does something to my head that I just can't explain. Father has noticed my feelings for her since they came upon me, and he thinks that I'm ridiculous for having such feelings for a red. But I don't find it ridiculous at all. Who cares what color you bleed or if you have powers or not? We're all the same damn thing.


Sometimes I feel like my father doesn't believe that we're human, just about as much as he believes that reds and silvers are equal. No matter what facade he puts up so that the reds are satisfied, none of them hear what he says about them behind closed doors. It's all an act so that they don't revolt.

"What the hell is going on?" She asks.

"My brothers being an idiot that's what." I say coming to stand behind her.

I know I intimidate her in some way and I just love it.

"Excuse me?!" He rasps while getting to his feet and gripping the table for support.

Dark splotches are already starting to form around his neck where Clara had him in a choke hold. We'll have to get mother to heal it for him.

"I said that you are being an idiot, you fool. Are you hard at hearing?" I speak slowly to him as if I were talking to a child.

A chuckle arouses around the room, and Lewis flushes silver.

"How dare you insult me! You have no right!" He fusses.

"Brother, your only angry because your embarrassed, and your only embarrassed because you just publicly humiliated yourself in front of over five hundred people. And you were brought to your knees by someone you think is lower than you. Well, if they put you down, I'd guess they were your better." I explain evenly.

That only angers him more and he storms up to me, fists balled and stumbling a little, and picks his arm up for a blow, but I easily deflect it, grabbing his hand and pulling it back down to his side. Then I lean in a little.

"Do you really want to fight me here, brother? Do you really want to embarrass yourself even more than you already have? Because I don't think you want to do that, and even if we were to fight, we already know who would win.... So stand down, before you do something that you are really going to regret." I warn him my voice slowly slipping into a cold whisper.

He yanks his arm from my grasp and straightens out, but even then I still tower over him. I've always been tall, coming in around six three. I even out grew my father, me and Shade are about the same height. But Lewi is probably about five ten not short but not tall considering me and my father. He must get it from our grandfather, Volo Samos, who wasn't very tall, either. He must've gotten his build from him too, because where me and father are tall, wide, and strong with ropey muscles. Lewis is shorter and long and wiry.

He opens his mouth to say something, but I cut him off by saying, "Just go, while you still have some sliver of dignity left."

Then he blows out a breath and turns on his heels towards the door.

Once he's gone I clap my hands together one time and spin in a complete circle with both hands splayed out.

"Well,... that was fun! Wasn't it?" I say and I hear multiple chuckles and snickers all around the room.

"How about we start up that lovely music again," I say pausing to flash a bright smile in the musicians direction and then continue. "And finish the rest of the night in one piece? Yeah?"

A few "yeses" and "yeahs" along with applauds of agreement sound, and then just like that it's almost as if nothing ever happened.

Everyone, including my family and the friends and family of the Calore's, resume sitting and start up conversations again.

"Well, that was... interesting." I hear Raylynn's brother, Landon, voice.

Then I turn around and see all of her siblings piled up behind me. I walk up to her, put one hand softly on her waist and whisper, "Talk soon, love." And I start walking up to the table where the Calore's, Barrow's, Farley and Warren's are sitting.

"I truly am sorry for my brother and family's behavior tonight. I can only imagine the feelings that he aroused and again I am deeply sorry for any trouble they may have caused." I apologize.

"It's fine sweetheart, it's not your fault. Things like this just happen. And it's not like you were the one saying any of it." Says Mrs.Barrow.

"Yes, well if I don't apologize, then no one will. And I find it quit sad that my father, or any of them for that matter, can't just own up to what they did and say sorry. But I suppose that's just them being petty. But, I will gladly step up to make amends for them, so just know that I don't feel the same way that they do about... you know... The matter." I say searching for words that won't offend or cause a strong reaction.

"Well, it's nice and mature of you to do that. Thank you." Mare says.

I nod my head and go to retreat, just as something else comes to mind.

"Oh, and umm, Miss Farley? I'm sure that your boyfriend? Shade Barrow, was an amazing warrior and an even better man, brother and son. My condolences, by the way, I would have loved to meet him. And Clara, I'm more than sure that he would've been an amazing father as well." Then I finally do turn to leave.

But I don't miss the way that Shade looks at me out of the corner of his eye. He doesn't trust me, just as he doesn't trust my brother.

Ah well.

I don't need him to trust me. I've said what I needed to say and that's all that matters.

A/N: Before I say anything, I'm so sorry Shade, I mean no disrespect I love you. And readers I don't mean to affect you or anything, but I really don't know if Wren Skonos is black or white. So please tell me. Love you guys. 💗 ~~~~~~~~~~


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