Chapter 8 Shade

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I don't like that guy.

He really gives me the heeby jeebies. Like, seriously man, who looks like that. He has dark brown hair and black eyes like the rest of his family. And he's tall.

Plus, I don't know what kind of power he has. I don't think he has ever used them around me before. Not even in sparring practice. It freaks me out even more.

On his dads side there's magnetrons, and on his mother's side there's Skonos healers. He could be both. Or one of them. Hey, you never know, he might not even have either he might have a different kind. Although, that's unheard of, it could still possibly happen. He might even have both his parents powers and another kind. Don't know, but either way, I don't like him. He's kind of weird, too. Like he's always standing around in dark corners observing people, or he's doing something like that. Like, I feel like he's that one person who would be reading a book in peace, while the rest of the world burned to the ground.


"I can't believe that that just happened." Mom says staring after him, mouth agape in disbelief .

"A Samos. Apologizing. Huh, something new happens everyday, but this I didn't expect." She continues.

"No, that wasn't just "something new", that was a freaking, mind blowing miracle." Kilorn says just as flabbergasted as everyone else.

"I think it was sweet. Weird. But... sweet, all the same." Gran says.

We call her Gran and when we talk about dads mom we call her Grandma. The same thing with Grampy and Grandpa. Grampy for moms dad, and when we talk about dads dad, we say Grandpa.

"I don't know. He kind of weirds me out." I say voicing my thoughts about the strange Samos.

"What, why?" Cameron asks.

"Because he's weird, man. Like, really frikin weird."

"No he's not, he's sweet. And he's cute... well, he looks like a grown man so I guess the correct term would be handsome." Clara says.

"Eww, gross did you just say what I think you said? A Samos? Cute? Uh, who are you even." I ask in mock disgust.

Dad chuckles.

"You have zero room to talk. There's nothing but boys in the Samos family. Charllie, Alexander, and Lewis. The only girl they have is Alice, she's twelve, so until there's a Samos girl old enough for you to have a crush or find attractive, I want you to keep your little mouth zipped." Kaitlynn says.

Kaitlynn is Bree and Alina's oldest daughter. She's fifteen, but Roden her older brother is sixteen. And then they have their little sister, Lilly, who is currently thirteen. Then, uncle Tramy and aunt Carrie had Blake and Adam. Blake being sixteen, also, and Adam being fourteen.

"Anyway, umm, mom who's that girl, in that red dress that asked "what the hell is going on?" A minute ago?" I ask only because I want to know more about her.

Man she was pretty.

"Who? Titan and Ella's kid?" She asks.

"I mean, yeah, I guess."

"Oh! Me and Tristen talked to her a little while ago! She's really sweet. Her name is Raylynn. And I think she's like fourteen?" Cori jumps in to say.

Hmm. Raylynn, I like it. Really rolls of the tongue. It matches her.

"Why'd you want to know?" Dad asks lifting both dark eyebrows, a smirk curling his lips.

I can't keep myself from smiling.

"No reason. She just ... seems cool." I say simply.

"Mhm." Farley puts in smirking into her wine glass.


By the time the party ends, I'm worn out. I danced a lot with some daughters of houses and daughters of generals and stuff. Mom and Cameron, the rest of the girls in my family. I would list them but my mind is too tired and groggy to put that much thought into anything.

Mom and dad talked a lot to Titan and Ella and Rafe and his wife. I talked to all kinds of people tonight.

Except her. I think to myself.

I even talked to some of her brothers tonight.

Raylynn had been on my mind through out the entire night. I don't know why. All I know about her is that she has a name, has a lot of siblings, is pretty, her parents are Titan and Ella Jesper, and she's really short.

I saw her talking to my sister and Tristen a lot. Along with others, like... Alexander.

Once again, he's weird. Through out the whole night, he would slink in and out of the crowd. Speaking to people, speaking to his family, speaking to Raylynn.

They must know each other or something. I don't know I'll have to ask Cori to ask her. Yeah. She'll be my little messenger and receiver. I'll ask her questions about Raylynn and if she doesn't know the answer, I'll ask her to ask Raylynn. Then, I'll know things about her.


I sound like a stalker.

I wonder if this is how Alexander thinks?............ Probably.


Then there's a sudden knock on my door, interrupting my thoughts.

"Come in!"I say plopping face first onto the bed after disheveling my blazer.

"Hey, you decent?" Asks a familiar voice.

"Yep." I say back.

Then Cori pops her head around the door to look at me.

"Raylynn's brothers wants to know if you want to hang out tomorrow, after sparring." She asks.

My ears perk at her name. Man, she is driving me nuts!

"Tell them I said sure." I say not even lifting my face from the pillow.

Then she says my reply into her phone. Wait. She's on the phone with her?

"Hold up. Your talking to her?" I ask settling into a sitting position, with my back against the wall.

"Uhh, yeah?" She replies.

And then a thought comes to mind. Her brothers are coming to sparring tomorrow. So does that mean she will be going as well? Might as well find out.

"Ask her if she's coming tomorrow too." I demand her.

"She is." Cori says and then walks away closing my door in my face.

Ooohhhhh. Tomorrow is gonna be good.


I sound like what I think the inside of Alexander's head sounds like.



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