Chapter 3 Tristen

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"Oh my goooooooosh! Why are you here so early?" I ask plopping back down onto my bed and grabbing a pillow off the floor and slinging it over my head.

"Because I thought we could hang out for a little while, you know? Before we have to go to that stupid party, with all of those stupid people, in stupid dress uniforms and stuff. Where we will be crowded, pushed, and squeezed into a room with people who don't even really like each other. With people who, if we were in another time, would reach out and rip each other's throats out." Cori replies.

I slowly move the pillow off my face and peek up at her.

"So. You decide to come to my house at," I pause to lean over and look at my clock " six thirty in the morning, ... so that we can "hang out"?" I ask quoting hang out.

"Exactly, now you understand. So could you please hurry and get dressed so that we can go and do something before it gets to late." She pleads

"Yeah, yeah." I say rolling off the bed.

When I finally get to my feet a rush of feelings come over me. I look down at her, and think, she's so pretty. Why is she soooo pretty. She looks like a mixture of her mother and her father, and I marvel at her beautiful amber brown eyes and jet black hair that curls down her back in long dark raven waves. I look up and down her figure in swift movements so that she won't notice, and you know, for a girl who's only fourteen she's pretty damn fine. Like her mother and aunt Gisa.

I take after my father in looks as well, not that I'm being cocky or anything, but in my opinion we both cut pretty sharp impressions. We both have strong, sharp, and narrow jaws. And, thankfully, I didn't get my mothers dark brown eyes, instead I got my dads bright emerald green eyes. Not that there is anything wrong with her eye color, it's just, I prefer green.
I'm tall and lanky like them both and have his lean build. I make sure I work out every other day because it's not good to work out every single day. So I'm built in stomach, chest, arms, forearms, and everything else.

I walk slowly to my drawers, dragging my feet through the dirty piles of clothes on the floor.

Man, I really need to clean in here. Hmm, maybe tomorrow.

I grab a plain black T-shirt and some blue basketball shorts with white sneakers. Then I pull my chain on.

I spin around in a lazy circle, gesturing up and down my body. And she nods with a small smile that makes me smile because it's so cute. And I feel butterflies. I don't know if real men get butterflies or not so let's just say... I got a feeling. Well, now It sounds gross, oh never mind.

We head out the door and down the stairs, where dad is sitting down at the table drinking coffee and moms at the stove, messing with some bacon in a pan.

"Hey, you hungry?" Mom asks me when she notices notices us walking down the stairs.

"Sure." I say and sit down at the table across from dad.

"What about you, Cori? You hungry?" She asks nodding her head towards Corain.

"Umm, no thank, you I ate this morning. Thanks for asking though." She politely declines while taking the seat next to mine.

Mom nods and pours her a cup of coffee and she nods her thanks, then pours three spoons of sugar and two spoons of cream into her cup and stirs.

"So what do you two plan on doing today?" Dad asks sipping his coffee.

I look over to Cori raising an eyebrow in mock question.

She makes a face and turns to dad.

"I was hoping we could walk around town for a little while, then for lunch we could maybe go eat. Don't know we'll figure it out as we go." She replies

"Wow, sounds fun." I say sarcastically.

"And what exactly were you planning on doing all day that was so ... oh, I don't know, productive?" She asks me.

I open my mouth then close it when I can't seem to find anything to say, I duck my head down.

"Mhm." Is all she says, shaking her and then sips her coffee.

I turn to dad and say, " Uh, you see how she treats me? No respect, what's so ever."

Dad nods, unsympathetically, with his lips scrunched up.


"So, this is what you had planned for us, huh?" I ask her as we walk along the side walk by the road.

"Shut up, and stop complaining, you big baby. Come on." She says linking her arm through mine.

I like the way this feels, walking next to her out in public with our arms linked. It makes me feel happy. Something that I have never felt with any other girl before.

Coriane's cute, sweet, tiny, smart, funny, loves to read and so much more. She's everything I want. But I can't have her, I already know she doesn't like me that way.

As we're walking, I hear the honk of a car, interrupting my thoughts, and turn around toward the noise.

The car pulls up to the side of the road right next to us. And when I see the faces of the drivers and passengers, I immediately get aggravated.

"What's up!?" Lewis says opening the drivers door.

In that instant a car zooms by, and I automatically wish that it hit right where he stood.

Lewis Samos, son of Ptolomus Samos and Wren Skonos. And just like his dad and aunt, he's annoying. What's with it with his family and their cocky-ness, I never understood it. I never understood, what was so great about them, that made them so superior to everyone else. I just don't.

"What's up doll face, miss me?" He asks Cori looking her up and down.
"No I didn't, and don't think I ever will, because you make it quit hard to miss you." She snaps back and I have to force myself not to cheer her on.

"Oh, don't play hard to get." He says and winks

"See you ladies at the party tonight, and umm, tell your brother I said hello next time you see him, yeah?" And then just like that he disappears

"Man I can't stand that guy." Cori mumbles under her breath

"Yeah, I know." I say watching him and his friends solutes turn the corner.

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