Chapter 12 Tristen

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I feel like I just got the life sucked, the crap, out of me.

I feel freaking drained, almost powerless. I never, in a million years, would have thought that I would ever feel this way. I'm usually the one to take peoples power from them, you know, cause I'm a silencer.

I wonder if this is what it feels like for the other person when I use my powers on them?

And why were they fighting anyway, Alexander and Raylynn, I mean?

It came out of nowhere, they seemed to have been having a normal conversation, and then bam! they were fighting. Then some weird stuff happened with Raylynn.

"What the hell was that?" I hear dad say behind me as Alexander and Davison lead Raylynn towards Wren to check on her.

"I don't know."

I realize that I'm staring at her and turn away, wanting to give her hear privacy.

Dad must have been thinking the same thing, cause he looks away as well, while saying, "Alright, everyone I guess we'll call it quits for today. We'll pick back up tomorrow. For now go back home, rest, hang out. I don't care."

Then, slowly as if the words didn't register through their minds, everyone rips their eyes from Raylynn and start to shuffle out.

"Oh, and remember. Dinner at 7:00." Davison says from over his shoulder.

When everyone clears out, it's only Mare, Cal, their kids, Evangeline and Ptolomus with Alexander and Elane. And of course Davidson, me and my parents, and Raylynn's family.

"What happened?" David whispers to her calmly probably because he's being cautious not to set her off again.

Not that I'm saying that it was her or anything. We don't know that for sure.

"Hey, Titan your psycho daughter almost killed both of my sons." Ptolomus yells.

"Watch your mouth when talking about my daughter or I'll kill you with little more than a thought." Titan fires back bringing up the scary fact that he can kill people by taking away the electricity from their brains.

Or is it bodies? Don't know, don't care, just as long as it doesn't happen to me.

"Try me." Ptolomus says his voice lowering a pitch.

"Ok, stop. It's my fault she even acted out, I wouldn't leave her alone and she got mad. So if you want to blame anyone," Alexander puts in looking pointedly as Ptolomus. "Then blame me, not her or her father."

Now Ptolomus turns his wicked gaze on his son, but he doesn't seem to mind it, because his face is neutral as he stares back into his fathers black eyes.

"It's fine. I'm fine, just shaken. I don't know what happened, but I felt it." Raylynn says swatting Davidson's helping hand away as she stands from her spot on the floor.

"Yeah, no crap. We all felt it." Evangeline says with a smirk.

"What is your damn problem with her?" Ash Ford yells defending his sister and coming to stand in front of Evangeline.

She doesn't look frightened in the slightest, but if I were her, I would be. Because her of all people should know what it feels like to be struck by lightning, she's been hit by Mare several times.

"I know what it is. She's just mad that her nephews keep getting beat, and she and her brother were the ones who taught them. No figures." Ace says snickering to himself mirthlessly.

I grimace and look at Alexander out of the corner of my eye. He's just standing there, one eyebrow raised, arms crossed and is staring intently at Ace's neck. Probably thinking about ripping his throat out, or rapping his ringed hands around his throat, for the insult.

Then suddenly, I'm consumed by the urge to laugh. And it wins, no mater how hard I fight the smile on my lips and I tried to push it back, but it didn't work.

Air bursts from my mouth, and I laugh so hard my stomach starts to ache. I look up with tears in my eyes, and find everyone looking at me like there's something wrong with me, that just makes me laugh even harder. Sometimes, I wonder if there is something wrong me too.

"Sorry," I say giggling. "This isn't funny. At all. That's not- no- this, this isn't funny."

I stop chuckling after a minute and settle down, but the smirk is still on my face.

"Anyway, how did it feel? What did you feel?" Davidson questions Raylynn returning us to the matter at hand.

She stutters before answering, searching for the right words. " I don't know, it was weird. Like, I could feel it in my bones, it was coming from me, I know that much, but once it first started breaking the surface, even then I couldn't get a grip on it, I felt weak against it. And all I could think about was, "I'm going to kill everyone in this room if I don't control it." And then I felt... I can't put it into words, it was almost like I was consuming power?" She pauses shaking her head. " I felt something in my core reach and grab ahold to something, and once it did it was like I was sucking power from another source. I thought about silence, and it all stopped."

"So, kind of like how it feels when we take electricity from lights, or when burners suck the oxygen out of a room." Mare states.

"Or how it feels when we take someone's abilities away from them." I add.

Raylynn nods, seeming to understand what we're all getting at.

"So your not powerless. Ha! Told ya!" Reese says with a smile on his face.

Raylynn punches him in the arm playfully.

"Well, then." Alexander says and huffs a sigh looking defeated.

"Wait a minute, your telling me that she has multiple powers?" Ptolomus asks, looking like he cannot believe his ears.

"I never said that." Davidson says.

"What we do now?" Landon asks.

Everyone goes silent.

"We need to take her to Julien." Cori says suddenly.

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