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Himeko POV

Me, kirumi, Tenko and kokichi decided to
search for clues together.

Though Tenko was right behind
me, looking everywhere to see if something
would jump out, it was quite creepy.

Kirumi and kokichi were in the back,
talking maybe?

I didn't feel bad for kokichi, not one bit.
He deserved that, had the nerve to say
I like him.

Kokichi POV
Kirumi was lecturing me on why
I shouldn't do that. It was sooooo annoying.

To the left of me my eyes glimpsed the outside area.

"Let's go outside"
I beckoned

They all hesitated before going outside.
There we saw shuichi and kaito and kaito was
talking about ...........advice?

When shuichi noticed us he tensed up.

"Why are you guys here?"
Shuichi asked

"Kokichi said we should come outside"
Himeko responded


Shuichi then saw Tenko and Kirumi behind us.

"I guess we should investigate together"
Kirumi said

Shuichi POV

We were all working together.
Thankfully,  they didn't hear what kaito was saying.
We walked for a bit until kokichi tripped on something.

He exclaimed

While he was rubbing his head, we checked what
he tripped on.
A vent.

"It could be some way to escape"
I offered
"Kaito, can you gather everyone here"

"Ok, shuichi"

Kaito quickly ran away to call everyone.
Hopefully this works, if it dosen't.......
No! Don't think like that shuichi, this will work.
I'm sure of it.

Kaito ran away in the distance while Monokuma was planning something.
A ambitious plan for his little mastermind.

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