The clue

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Kokichi POV

Himiko ran away...................................
It's fine
It's fine

Himeko hating you is even better
then they would not despair when I die....

That's if I die............

I grabbed my lock picking kit that fell on the floor.

That's right I was supposed to get into rantaro's room
ever since he warned Kaede

At rantaro's room

I turned the handle to see if it would open
first try. As expected it was locked so I used
my lock-picking kit.

(I have no idea how to use a lock-picking kit as expected
This part will be skipped)


I turned the handle and it opened, seemed like no one was in here.

I looked around for anything suspicious. Then I found his monopad open, it
had the title..... clue?

I tapped and immediately was brought to a bunch of words.

(After reading )

So there is a book on the library
that opens a secret room!

Why does rantaro have this?

Could he be responsible for everything that's happened?

Monokuma: Can everyone please gather in the gym!

Ugh, what does that teddy bear want now?

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