Invesigation part 1

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Himiko POV
There lay tsumugi's dead body. A body announcement played all over
My heart stopped all things around me faded, did someone actually kill.
I took a few steps back in horror, falling down on the floor.

Soon, people gathered to see this horrible,  no terrifying sight. Everyone was either
crying or distressed, except for kokichi.

"Wow, someone actually listened to my request"
Kokichi said

Maki looked like she was seriously holding back, wonder
how she's the ultimate child caregiver.

(Fun fact: I thought her ultimate was the ultimate child birth giver at first .)

"Ouma! Your probably the one that killed tsumugi, admit it!"
I screamed in anger.

"I can't believe you would think that, himiko"
"Plus, I was outside the dorm room running away"
Kokichi pointed out.

I looked around to notice that Tenko wasn't here, that's suspicious.

Looking at kokichi, it seemed he was thinking the same think as me.

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