( Still ) The class trial

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🙃 My updating schedule will never be the same 🙂

Shuichi: If we take a look at the Monokuma file, it does
say that the death was caused by a head injury

Rantaro: Yes, kaede could have seen
the truth

Maki: Impossible. How someone be alive and dead the
next moment

Kokichi: But that's just like your personality

Kokichi: An off and on switch
There was a moment of surprise realising that Kokichi
wasn't joking at all. His tone turned harsh and bitter. This
even took aback maki who seemed unshaken.

Kaede: Let's not fight, we should team up and
beat the trial together

Kokichi: What's the point of that if someone is going to end
up dead?

Ignoring Kokichi, shuichi decided to
move the trial forward himself.

Shuichi: That must explain the glass
and pool of blood in the crime scene, this
cancels out kaede as the suspect since her alibi
checks out

Miu: Now here comes the problem,
who the fv(k is the suspect

Everyone turned to the detective
seemly so because he was currently leading the

Shuichi: We'll if kaede's story checks out
that means the culprit is someone who knows
how to assassinate.( You probably know who the culprit is now ;)

Maki: But none of us know how to

Kokichi: I say that the culprit is maki!

The trial room was silent, everybody
looked at kokichi for an explanation.
Especially since a childcarer wouldn't
dream of doing such things.

Kokichi: If your truly a babysitter

Maki: Child-caregiver

Kokichi: Babysitter. Then you would be
as bubbly as kaede

Korekiyo: but who would you say would
act all bubbly in this situation

Kokichi: Kaede is, gonta was

Kokichi: Miu definitely isn't bubbly
but she seems unscathed by this situation

Miu: Hey!

Kokichi: Hey maki at what time exactly
should a child have a nap.

She stayed dead quiet and it was
obvious she was the murderer.

Miu: But can you answer that!

Kokichi: 1:30-2:00 pm

Everyone in the trial room stayed
quiet, how did kokichi know that?

Monokuma: Pupupupupupu well it's time to vote!

Though it was seemingly weird, everyone
seemed to trust kokichi on this and voted maki

( In anger, maki voted kokichi and cursed him to death)

Monokuma : It's punishment time!

Soon maki was being held by a robotic hand. It pulled her into and room where
there was a crossbow and a target with everyone's faces on it. She quickly
picked it up at shot kokichi's target, suddenly, a knife hidden in the room cut her stomach.
Maki winced, holding the injury. Her attention was turned to the targets
with people who were already dead. She shot gonta's target and another knife sliced
her legs, falling to her knees, maki accepts her fate.

" I want to go home"
Those were her last words as she shot her own target
and fell down, dead.

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