The meeting

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This story might  not be based on the real events that happened in the game. ( mostly because I haven't
played it and can't)
Kokichi POV

"W...Where am I"
The robot asked.
I decided not to get to close to
the people here.

"Wow an actuall robot!"
I had play the annoying card
to get whatever person this is off of my tail.

"What the"

"Hey, do you know where we are"


"What a useless robot"

"Hey, that's robopobic!"
Suddenly a girl with blonde hair and a boy
with black hair walks in.

"Hi I'm kaede akamatsu, the ultimate pianist"
The girl chirped cheerfully, how could she be so calm?

"I'm shuichi Saihara, the ultimate detective"
Finally someone who could help us.

"I appreciate you addresing yourselves formally to me.
unfortunately not everyone here is that nice"
The robot eyes rolled on to me.
What did I do?

"My name is K1-B0 but please call me keebo"

"Not fair that you get to show off"
"I am kokichi ouma the ultimate supreme leader"
"My organisation has over 10,ooo members"

She seemed enthusiastic about this topic.
I felt kinda bad cause it was a lie.

"Who knows I'm a lier after all"
I replied


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