Everyone moves at their own pace (1)

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Fighter put the strap of his bag over his head and let out a sigh of relief as he got up from his seat. Finally, what he had been waiting for weeks now was finally there. All his exams were over. A feeling of freedom highly appreciated as he left the examination room for one last time today.

Nevertheless, he did not forget the fact that the end of that intensive period of exams would also have some negative consequences on his daily life from now.

Still, having so many subjects to review regularly in the last few weeks was giving him an excuse to see Tutor more often, as his official private teacher. The fact is would not play this role anymore starting from tomorrow was not really good news for Fighter. But the young man thought it was better to focus on the present instead, for the moment. And precisely, on tonight.

The thought that he would meet Tutor in just a few minutes was a perspective that immediately brought a smile on his face again, as he headed toward the back of the university, where he had parked in the morning.

Once he spotted it, he took a few steps toward his car to unlock it and once he got to the door level, he noticed that the owner of the car parked just beside him was also about to get in her own vehicle. Hearing someone making some noise nearby, the girl turned his head to the side out of curiosity, and opened her eyes wide as soon as she found out who was parked right next to her, which happened to be quite a funny coincidence.

"Oh. P'Fighter!"

Once he knew his neighbor's identity, the senior gave her a polite, yet not completely comfortable, smile as he saw her walk around her vehicle to stand in front of him.

"Hi, HwaHwa."

If Fighter did not look particularly enthusiastic to meet her here and now, HwaHwa, for her part, looked as cheerful as usual, judging by the contented smile that did not leave her face

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If Fighter did not look particularly enthusiastic to meet her here and now, HwaHwa, for her part, looked as cheerful as usual, judging by the contented smile that did not leave her face.

"Are you going back home now, P'? I was about to do something shopping for tonight. Would you like to come with me, so that you choose what you prefer to eat?"

Fighter pursed his lips when she pointed to the shopping alley opposite the parking lot.

He had completely forgotten that their parents had planned to meet tonight at his father's house for a family dinner to celebrate the end of the exam period for both HwaHwa and Fighter.

"Sorry, Hwa" he said hesitantly, not very sure how she would take the information he was about to disclose. "I don't think I will be home early tonight."

"Oh", she exclaimed while blinking questioningly. "Why not?"


As the senior brushed a hand through his hair with quite an uneasy expression all of a sudden, the features of the young woman gradually softened, as she seemed to have now a much better idea of what was going on.

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