Christmas comes but once a year?

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Tutor detached the waist band of his apron and hung it with his hat on the coat stand, a gesture that marked the end of his exhausting work day. He stretched to relax his muscles, still stiff from having rushed about all day in the coffee shop of his friend and employer, Kae, letting out a long sigh, as he rethought of how the place used to be quiet before today.

The little number of customers had obviously caused much concern to P'Kae several times before, and notably led Tutor to end up working as his employee only a few hours a week afterwards. In spite of this, since Tutor liked P'Kae a lot, and the latter also considered him as a close friend now, he did not want to let him down. So even if he had exams to prepare for university, the young man always accepted to give a hand whenever his P' needed help for his business.

However, recently, Tutor received less and less calls from Kae. Without a doubt, it was not a very good sign. He thought Kae would even announce him his lay-off today when he finally gave him a call at an early hour this morning. Therefore, Tutor got even more surprised when his employer demanded him to be there straight away for an unplanned work day. Tutor did not ask for further details. He slipped on his jacket hurrily and left his apartment without further ado as soon as he hung up. Really, today, he felt like something was going to happen, for once, something rather good. And he was right in his forecasts.

As a proof, it was almost 10 pm and Tutor was just about to close the shop now. He had spent a large part of the day cooking in order to honor each of their numerous orders from the customers, including a few loyal ones and a lot of new ones.
Kae and Tutor knew that, since tonight was Christmas Eve, they would sell more of their creations than usual. But they never imagined they would be weighed down by orders like this. Really, business was going well. Tutor, who had enjoyed that period of the year since his young age, was walking on air.

However, he could not give free rein to his happiness, since, like every special event of the year, he was aware of the fact that it would not probably last. And this thought made him feel a twinge of sadness deep inside as he closed the curtains. As soon as this negative idea crossed his mind, though, he gave a little tap on his cheeks, thinking that it was no time to get depressed. P'Kae had asked him to come back the day after also, on December 25, as it would be surely a busy moment as well. All he needed now was a good night of sleep to feel on top form for his second work day tomorrow.

"Good job today, Tor."

The brown-haired junior half-smiled as he heard the familiar voice full of admiration coming from behind him

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The brown-haired junior half-smiled as he heard the familiar voice full of admiration coming from behind him.


Hearing his name falling from his boyfriend's lips only fulfilled the older young man's heart with joy even more.

"How come you are here?"

"P'Kae let me come in" the senior merely explained in a casual voice tone which made Tutor open his eyes wide in shock.

"Don't tell me you have been waiting all this time outside?"

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