part 6- Wish Somebody Would Tell Me I'm Fine

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Gerards p.o.v:

Everything is worse than ever. I feel I’m in love with Frank more and more every day. And that certainly does NOT help me get out of my depressed state which is getting worse. As every hour passes, I feel I sink deeper and deeper into the black, dark void called depression. I don’t drink, not a single drop since I promised to Frank I won’t. And I didn’t. I can never break a promise I made to Frank. Never. That’s a strong word; it doesn’t really exist because nothing lasts forever. But at least through my whole lifetime, I’m not going to break that promise.
I was lying on my bed, my head buried deep in a pillow. I sighed loudly. Tomorrow’s Monday, and that means school. God, I’m really not in the mood to deal with bullies now. Well, actually I’m not in the mood to deal with anything…
At this point I fell asleep, and woke up the next morning to the sound of my alarm clock and slowly dragged myself out of bed. I took off the Misfits shirt I was wearing and put on a clean iron maiden T-shirt. I put on a pair of ripped skinny jeans and my old black converse.
I went downstairs to the kitchen and made some coffee. After I finished drinking it, I made a short trip to the bathroom and headed to school. Mikey is not coming with me today, he's sick, so I had to drive there by myself. Boring.
I hopped into my car and drove to hell on earth- School. The ride was quite quick. When I arrived, I went to my locker as usual. I took all the books I needed, and stood there waiting for Frank.
"What's up, emo?" I heard a voice behind me. Shit, that's Drake. He always beats me up or pushes me into a locker or something for being the "emo scum". I don’t turn around or respond, I rather just ignore him. The front school door opened and Frank came in, running towards me and hugging me.  I hugged him back and tapped on his shoulder, noticing that His eyes were red and puffy.
"You okay Frankie?" I asked, but didn’t get an answer, since I was cut off by that fucker drake.
"Hey look! Emo's got a boyfriend! Two little faggots!" he yelled. Damn, he's such a stupid Idiot.
"Shut the fuck up cocksucker!" Frank screamed at him.
"Really kid? You think that was smart?!" Drake said, walking towards us. Shit shit shit shit!!!!! Why couldn’t frank keep his mouth shut?! I gave him a death glare. He looked at me, and his mind slowly processed what happened. Drake was getting closer and closer.
"Woopsie…" Frank said as he understood what he had just done.
Drake was now standing in front of us, looking from me to Frank as if he's going to murder us.
"Drake, listen…" I started but he grabbed my shirt collar and lifted my up against the lockers. I couldn’t breath, and I got all red.
"Another word from you Emo, and I skin your ass raw. GET IT?" I didn’t have a choice, I was going to pass out so I nodded and he let go of my shirt collar, but grabbed my hand tightly. He dragged me towards Frank, and grabbed his hand as well. Frank tried to struggle. Yeah, like that would work. Drake kicked one lock open and pushed frank and me in the locker together, facing each other. Before we could run away he put the lock back and we were locked in an unknown locker.
"Being a faggot is a crime! You two think about what you've done! Next time don’t answer or I'll break your fucking face!" drake yelled and went off to class. Actually I didn’t care about being stuck in a locker with frank. Being pressed against him actually felt quite nice.
"Well…. This is awkward…." I said, sighing.
"Yeah…. Plus there's a used condom on the floor…" Frank said, looking down. I also looked down and indeed, there was a used condom there.
"Fuck…. Next time think before you say something, Frankie…" I said and looked at him. I notice his red eyes again.
"Yeah…. Sorry bout that…" he said, blushing slightly.
"Now, will you please tell me what happened?" I asked him.
"Isn’t it possible to open it from the inside?" he tried to change the subject, looking at the door and hitting it.
"Frank… focus…" I took his hand off the door and kept holding it.
"Why'd you cry again?" I ask him and he sighed.
"Well… I've just been thinking about that special someone. I can't get them out of my head." Frank said, shaking his head from side to side. Well, as much as it was possible in the little space we were in…. I'm still disappointed every time he says that… you know, it fucking hurts when the love of your life already loves someone.

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