Author's Explanation

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Hello hello! Thank you for checking out Romance Me and for being such a lovely person (for even if I have never met you in real life, I can totally tell you are lovely through the vibe the computer is giving me -because I'm just that amazing).

For those who know me, you will get my explanation right away - for those who don't, I think you'll learn a lot by the first few sentences, so... let's begin:

*hands out popcorn bags* *turns on dramatic music*

My dear ladies and gentlemen - I faced a terrible dilemma.

What do I do with the ideas pouring forth from my imagination? What do I do with the romances and the cute moments and eccentric characters?

Romance Me is my outlet. Here I will post - not one-shots - but what is known as "novellas", essentially any beautifully romantic ideas I have pondered condensed into short stories that range in length (as I don't have the time to write every idea I have into a novel XD)

In the future - depending on circumstances and you lovely readers' own wants and comments - I might take some of my stories here and extend them into novels - but let's not get that far for now :D

Each of these stories are posted on Wattpad and only Wattpad - if you see it anywhere else than please notify me :)

Every time I start a new "novella", I will give a short description, A/N (author's note), and rating (as some stories dive farther into mature subjects - though there will be no R-rated parts).

Will you take this journey with me? Will you dive into a romance that will evoke both tears and laughter? Squeals and gasps?

If so - than hold your breath, as we will go deep, far deeper than any romantic has ever gone before...

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