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"Are you okay? You look a bit pale" I couldn't answer him. There was a big lump in my throat that felt like it got bigger and bigger the more time passed.

That was the reason why he had looked so hurt when I had said that suicide was stupid! I felt horrible! I didn't even know his motives and had criticized him for it.

"Azalie?" His hands were cupping my face and his eyes were gazing at me in worry. I leaned onto him. At this point I didn't even care that we were both naked. I was drunk and incredibly sorry. Hell, I had never been more sorry ever

"Are you feeling alright?", he asked. My breaths were becoming shallower. He lifted my chin so I had to look at him. "Don't scare me, okay? Answer me, please" I nodded. "I'm alright" My voice cracked.

He sighed. "Let's get you out of there" We went out of the water and Luke turned around so I could put on my clothes again. I wanted to ask him why he had killed himself. Was it because of this Amy girl?

Had she hurt him that bad? Had she hurt him so bad that he didn't know any other way to deal with it? Did he feel like she had ripped her heart out and put salt into the wound? Had she laughed about it? Embarrassed him in front of everyone?

I stared at the ocean while Luke put on his clothes again. He took longer than I had. Probably because putting on skinny jeans while having wet legs could be a real pain in the ass from time to time. When he was finished, he sat down beside me.

"Are you really okay?" I glanced at the blond guy. Even now he looked unbelievably handsome. "Yeah" I felt horrible. He must have hated how I thought about suicide, right? I was such a bad person.

"Is it because of your friend?" I frowned. Oh right, Sevin was "in love" with me. Somehow I didn't believe it one bit. I shook my head. "I don't think he's in love with me", I muttered. Luke gave me a funny look. "What do you mean? Why shouldn't he?"

Good one. I wasn't the girl to be liked by boys. Even though Elena and I were pretty identical, boys had always preferred her. Maybe it was because of the way she dressed, I had never cared about what I was wearing. I just put on what felt comfortable. But...The way Luke had said that made me feel all fuzzy and warm inside. I couldn't help the tingles that were shooting through my body when he touched my arm.

"I'm nothing special", I said quietly. He shook his head. "Well, you just puked on me, so that's pretty special", he teased. I shot him a death glare. Annoying prick. You like him though. Yeah, and I didn't want to.

"No, really. I think you're pretty special and I haven't even known you for a few weeks. You're actually pretty cool and funny and feisty. Also, I think you're the cooler twin, I mean you have blue tips" I chuckled. "You're the first boy to think so besides Sevin", I sighed. Luke smiled a goofy smile at me.

"More for me then, right?" I blushed beet red and avoided to look at his eyes. "Dumb penguin loving prick", I scoffed. He grinned. "But I'm hot, right?" I rolled my eyes. And he was supposed to be older than me? "Eh, not really"

"Azalie?" I winced and turned around. Elena was standing there, inspecting me with wide eyes. "Were you just talking to yourself?" Remember, how I said drunks always spoke the truth? Well fuck.

"I was talking to Luke", I slurred. My sister gave me a funny look and plopped down beside me, luckily not where Luke was. "You know, you have been acting weird lately", she said quietly.

On the inside, I screamed at myself not to say any more, but my mouth didn't listen. "Can I ask you something?" Fuck. Elena lifted her head. Her lipstick was slightly smudged. I was wondering, with who she had made out. Of course someone would make out with her. She was the pretty twin. The thin twin. The normal twin. The nice twin. The twin everybody loved.

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