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"Wait Nahmir stop

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"Wait Nahmir stop." I ran after him downstairs and grabbed his keys before he did while he texted on his phone.

"Chantelle move." He said dryly.

"No you not finna do something that you'll regret." I raised my voice.

"So speak the fuck up then." He said.

"I don't want you to hurt nobody and get in trouble when you got a family now." I said.

"Why the fuck you- He was gonna shoot me." I cut him off and he stared at me.

"He was gone what?" He held eye contact.

"Before I came home and went into labor he held a gun at my stomach then at his head, but I talked him out of it." I said calmly

"Ain't no fucking but, fuck you mean this nigga was gone hurt you and you steady taking for ole dude. You smoking dick if you think I ain't gone do nothing about." He left out and slammed the house door.

I don't know how he's going to get there since I have his keys. I can't stop what he's doing, he already made his mind up.

I was deciding on whether or not I should call Langston and warn him. My heart was telling me to do so but my mind just wants me to stay out of it.

Langston is just a lost person and needed someone to understand him. He wasn't intentionally trying to hurt me. I grew up with him in high school basically. We've always been there for each other mentally.

I didn't mean to hurt to him. I just feel like everything was forced, I was being cautious. He's somebody that I care about and what would've happen if we broke our bond by getting into a relationship?

With Nahmir it was always good times from the first time we met. We weren't looking for anything to get into we was just having fun. After we got back in touch it was like we never stopped talking.

He's there for me physically and emotionally. We never had any worries and that's where I messed up at. I've been so used to dudes doing me wrong that I don't believe he's all that of a good person. Like it's too good to be true.

But every time he's proved me wrong and I failed to realize that. Now that we have a daughter we've gotten closer but then again it's flaws. He makes me happy though, inside and out.


Nahmir already had a plan figured out on what to do the moment Chantelle didn't want to tell the truth. He knew how her mind worked. He knew she would stall. He knew she would stop him from leaving.

He had texted his friend to be on his way ASAP so he could handle the situation.

"You removed the tags on this car right?" Nahmir asked.

"Yea they can't trace it back to nobody." Darius said. "What's the address"?

"2829 Sycamore St." Nahmir answered. "And it ain't gone be no forced entry I remember she told me he be forgetting to lock the door." He mumbled.

"You gone kill him or you just harm him?" Darius asked.

"Nah just need to send out a message." He mumbled again.

"You need to do this quick and smoothly deadass. We don't need to get caught, we was too close last time plus we in daylight." Darius warned.

"Ight, I can handle it." He mumbled.

Nahmir wanted to kill Langston in a brutal way, but he couldn't do that. As much as he feels some type of way about Chantelle letting him get away and forgiving him he knows that if he did kill Langston, it would have a long lasting affect on Chantelle.

He loves Chantelle, he doesn't want to lose her or break her heart. This time he was considering her feelings. He knew all along that she still had love Langston.

That's why he was against him. He thought that if she left Langston the way she did for him....Could she do the same to him?

He didn't want to take any chances on hurting or disappointing the girl that brought happiness into his life, but he was sure on injuring Langston.
He tried to kill their baby, he can't just let that go.

Once they arrived it was quiet outside and nobody was out. Nahmir's a pro at getting away with crimes so this wasn't hard for him to do at all. The process may have seemed extra but he wasn't taking no chances in getting caught.

He carefully put in hazel colored contacts because he knew through the ski mask the only thing somebody could recognize on your face is your eyes and mouth.

He then put in gloves so he wouldn't leave any finger prints around the house.

He got out the car and walked casually to the door and just like he thought, it was already unlocked. Once he entered the living room Langston stood up with no hesitation but his reaction was too late.

Nahmir pulled out his gun and shot him three times. Once at his shoulder, arm, and leg.

As Langston bled out trying to call out for help, Nahmir grabbed the house phone and called for the ambulance but he didn't say anything he just left the phone by Langston and left.

Meanwhile Chantelle was home pacing back and forth while trying to reach Nahmir.

Truth is she doesn't want to leave Nahmir. That thought never came across her mind. She related to him on a whole other level to be honest.

She just didn't want him doing anything stupid that could give him time in jail. Plus, she cared too much for Langston to let something happen to him but she knew Nahmir was going harm him either way.

She was stuck....


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Hmph... What y'all think about this?

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